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In Memory of

Sheeba Tucker

October 15, 1998 - March 6, 2004

and Bacon, AKA "Mr. Puppy Love"


March 6, 1999 to May 28, 2005

A Prayer for A Friend

They say you are just a dog but not to me, a friend for life you will always be.  You're a part of my life that lit the way when sorrow filled my everyday.

Through your eyes you could always see when people and life were getting to me.  You'd wag your tail, crack a smile and make us laugh for a little while

Your life my friend has made a difference to three, to a boy named Matt and to Randy and me.  I hope in your heart you know you are loved and God will take you to heaven above

My prayer my friend is that when my time ends you will be amongst my friends and that you will greet me on the other side, never again to say goodbye.

Chrissy Tucker

One of the hardest things I've ever had to do was rest my hand on the head of my friend, talk to her and tell her goodbye, while she was being put to sleep.  Love comes in many forms and I found on that day that letting go of something you love for its own good is one of the highest forms of love a person can give.

Some people say animals are treated better then people.  My four legged friend treated us better then most people who have come in and out of our lives.

Gone but never forgotton

The effects absent fathers have on female development and college attendance

College Student Journal,  Dec, 2001  by Franklin B. Krohn,  Zoe Bogan



Absent fathers are defined as those who do not interact with their children on a regular basis and consequently do not play a significant role in their development. Divorce, death and abandonment are all forms of absence but nevertheless affect female development differently. The age at which a daughter loses her father is meaningful since it influences her perception of males, the world as well as her academic advancement. Fathers play a significant role in female achievement in mathematics (Adams, Milner and Schrepf 1984, p. 128). Mathematics is typically associated with masculinity therefore females without father figures may have less interest in this subject matter. Female high school seniors were more likely than their male peers to say they did not take mathematics and science courses because they disliked the subject matter (35% and 22%) and had been advised against taking these courses (32% and 26% respectively) (Bae, 1997). Essentially females are discouraged from pursuing a career in mathematics and father absence contributes to this phenomenon by not providing them with a male role model to stimulate their interest in this area.

Security regarding females and their fathers is a key element since it greatly shapes their development (Griffin, 1998). Women without father figures lack a sense of protection and as a result may become discouraged. Examples of this phenomenon are teenage pregnancy, dropping out of college, never attempting college and low self esteem (Griffin, 1998, p. 21). Although fatherless females may encounter limitations as a result of their missing fathers, it is not impossible for them to succeed.

Stability is another important aspect affecting the lives of females, which inevitably shape their college careers. Fathers' absence not only hinders their ability to make sound decisions, it also triggers negative reactions as opposed to positive ones (Griffin, 1998, p.26). Daughters obtain secure foundations knowing what their fathers believe in and stand for (Griffin, 1998, p. 27). A confident base enables females to be successful in their endeavors and accomplish what they attempt.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the behaviors and decisions made by females without father figures, while focusing on their college attendance. This study also displays the categories in which most fatherless daughters are placed in terms of success.

Degrees of Absenteeism of Fathers

Female observation and perception is dependent upon whether they lost their father to divorce, abandonment or death, and at what age. How and why a father is absent will have an impact on the emotional and material outcome for the child (Grimm-Wassil, 1994, p. 5). The different answers help explain why some females have abandonment issues, depict men a certain way, have difficulties determining their self worth or consequently become sexually promiscuous.

Girls who have little contact with their fathers, especially during adolescence had great difficulties forming lasting relationships with men. Sadly these females either shy away from males altogether or become sexually aggressive. Girls with involved fathers learn how to interact with males by using the father-daughter relationship as a model. They not only have a concerned male to converse with but also a feeling of acceptance, knowing they are loved by at least one male. Females without father figures often become desperate for male attention (Grimm-Wassil, 1994).

Females who lose their fathers to divorce or abandonment seek much more attention from men and had more physical contact with boys their age than girls from intact homes. They also tend to be more critical of their fathers and the opposite sex. These females constantly seek refuge for their missing father and as a result there is a constant need to be accepted by men from whom they aggressively seek attention (Grimm-Wassil, 1994, p. 147).

By: Christina Tassone
And why would our own government actually care about the American People in Crisis? We're not in Iraq and they can't afford to help us because Bush is too busy rebuilding Iraq and helping his "adopted" people.  He has forgotton all about Osama........wasn't he our target in the first place?  When did all of this political debacle in Iraq suddnely become our problem? Why is our country paying the price?  Why did Bush borrow trillions of dollars from the Saudi's and millions from China?
Why is congress allowing this debacle to continue? and my last question but not least, "When has a Republican ever been concerned about the common man, the Everyday Hero who makes up most of America?"
All I can say is anyone who thinks that Bush has done a good job as our President doesn't have the sense or brains that God gave them and hasn't actually looked at or read the facts and statistics. 
Here is the what's happening
Gas in America                                          Gas in Iraq
$3.15 a gallon                                            .19 Cents a gallon
Housing Loss US                                     Housing in Irag
3.7 Million+                                                 new homes going up
Quote from the BBC UK
Cleveland is facing a rising crime wave, and the cost of demolishing the vacant houses alone will cost the city $100m of its tax base.
According to Jim Rokakis, the County Treasurer for Cleveland's Cuyahoga County, "Wall Street strategies that made the cycle of no-money-down, no-questions-asked lending possible have sucked the life out of my city".
Courtesy of Routers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate on Thursday voted to reject a Democratic proposal to give bankruptcy judges the power to ease mortgage payment terms for some distressed borrowers as it began debating a housing market rescue plan.
The Durbin amendment was rejected in a 58-36 vote, with several Democrats siding with Republicans to set it aside, allowing debate on the broader bill to continue.
I love my country and I would fight and die for the Constitution of the United States and for what being an American stands for, I only wish the current administration felt the same way.
We are the very people that voted these Idiots in and they turn their back on their own people in their hour of need.  What they have said by their vote is that the American People are last on their totem pole, and while we wait for their "holier than thou" decision to help their own, families are left without a home; everything they worked for gone, jobs moving to other countries, factories closing down, manufacturers closing down or moving, Ford Plants, GM Plants, Steel Mills shut down, Millions of people without health coverage, crime rising in the streets, people dying because they can't afford their medications, or they're freezing to death because they can't afford heat, gas prices on the rise and so expensive that the only thing you can do is go to work and home because you can't go out to see family or shopping, who wants to keep filling up their gas tanks at the PRICE GAS IS A GALLON?, schools closing down because there's no funding, families moving in together (let's remember that's how disease is passed), kids living in the streets with their parents, families being broken up.  We don't matter but the rest of the world does.  How is that right on any level Mr. Bush?
Definition of Treason:treason n. Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign
Maybe our congress and administration should be charged with treason


By: Christina Tassone

I am so happy that she decided to run for President.  Don't think for one minute that she didn't help make decisions in the White House when Bill was President!  I know that Hillary will bring this country up off it's knee's and bring us back into better times.  She does have her work cut out for her though, especially after the mess the Bush Administration has made.  She'll probably have to clean up their mess first before she can move forward. 

Yes, America does need change and Hillary is the person to make that change for us. 

OBAMA: I can not even consider voting for a man who can not salute my flag because he is a Muslim.  That is not acceptable on any level.  If you're going to run for President of the United States then you better be prepared to salute her flag.   To me, that was not only disrespectful to our country but to the men and woman who serve it so courageously and honorably.

I read in article about the Nevada voters and to my dismay and surprise there are actually people out their who can not think for themselves.  One voter actually said she was voting for Obama because her "Union" said he was the best candidate. I almost fell off of my chair.  The first thing that came to my mind was the Scarecrow on The Wizard of Oz, "If I only had a brain".   How sad the American Voter is voting for someone, not on what they know to be his/her credentials, but because "someone said so". 


                           THE SILENT KILLER


You can’t see it but it’s there, lurking in every corner of your body waiting to strike.  And it will strike and when it does it will be when you least expect it. One day you’re fine and life is good and the next day you’re lying in ICU fighting for your very life and the doctors don’t know why. 


For me, the first onset of Lupus was at the age of 14 and it hasn’t stopped in 30 years.  Pulmonary Emboli, miscarriages, massive heart attack, inflamed organs, pericarditis, and the list goes on and on.  It always seemed to happen at the busiest times of my life; so I thought.  Really it was at the most stressful times of my life.


Here are some Lupus facts.  I want to remind everyone that a positive or negative ANA test does not determine if you have or don’t have Lupus.  Generally, ANA tests determine if the Kidneys are involved with the flare-up.  You need to see a Rheumatologist that specializes in Lupus to be diagnosed.  It is not your Family Doctors place to make that diagnosis.  They might be good, but I assure you, “they ain’t that good”.  I CAN NOT STRESS THAT POINT ENOUGH.  I went untreated for 5 years because my doctor thought he was Dr. God and refused to send me to Dr. Perhala, and yes Lupus took its toll during that time and did irreparable damage. 


I encourage everyone who has Lupus or lives with someone who has Lupus to go to and to

Rebecca Wood is excellent reading, you would be surprised how different kind of foods are enemies to those of us with Lupus (promote inflammation etc.).


(Excerpts from

Seventy percent of people with lupus have systemic lupus. About half have organ-threatening disease:

·         heart

·         lung

·         kidney

·         liver

·         serious blood involvement

and half have non-organ threatening disease:

·         rash

·         fatigue

·         fever

·         aching, and/or pain on taking a deep breath

·         normal urinalysis, EKG, and chest x-ray.

Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (UCTD)

Finally, many people with early lupus-like symptoms don't meet the ACR criteria but have an undifferentiated connective tissue disease process. Studies have shown that, while many of these people will develop SLE over time, others will develop rheumatoid arthritis, have mild persistent symptoms, or find that the process just disappears. 


How Can You Help Yourself?

Physical Measures

Be Careful In The Sun

Two-thirds of the people with lupus have problems with ultraviolet A and B (UVA and UVB) radiation from the sun.

·         If you are going to be outside for more than five minutes, use a sunscreen.

·         Choose a sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15

·         Make sure it blocks both UVA and UVB rays.

·         UVB sun exposure is greatest at midday, so do your outdoor activities earlier in the morning, late in the afternoon, or in the evening and wear protective clothing.

·         Ultraviolet radiation is also greater at higher altitudes. The UV exposure at sea level in one hour is the same as the exposure in five minutes at an altitude of one mile like in Denver, Mexico City, or on a ski slope.


People with lupus should eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet.

·         There are some suggestions that fish, or specifically eicosopentanioc acid in fish oil, might have modest anti-inflammatory properties. The results of double-blind controlled studies showed that eating the equivalent of two fish meals a week clearly helps rheumatoid arthritis pain.

·         An amino acid, L-canavanine, is found in alfalfa sprouts and can activate the immune system and increase inflammation in lupus patients. Other foods in the legume family have only a fraction of the L-canavanine that sprouts do and are safe to eat.

·         Lupus patients taking corticosteroids should limit their sugar and salt intake

Email users are being bombarded with authentic-looking messages that instruct them to provide sensitive personal information. It's called "phising." Individuals who "bite" are exposed to identity theft.

Phishing occurs when a consumer receives a deceptively-legitimate looking email from what appears to be a reputable company. The email asks recipients to update their credit card information or their account will be promptly terminated. Or the message offers a service to protect their credit cards from possible fraud.

Often "phishing" spam messages will use legitimate 'From:' email addresses, logos, and links to reputable businesses such as AOL, PayPal, Best Buy, Earthlink and eBay in the message. But the message instructs you to click on a web link that sends you to a fake website where you are asked to provide personal information to the scam artists. Such sites will ask for information such as your name, address, phone number, date of birth, Social Security number (SSN), and bank or credit card account number. Providing this kind of information can leave consumers at risk for identity theft
I received the following E-mail in my inbox this morning and this is a form of Phishing and please note that this little bit of personnal information is all this person needs to commit Identity Theft
For more information on Scam Alert, AKA Suckers Wanted please click on or copy and paste this site into your addres bar:

1995-1 Tsurusaki,Oaza,
Oita 870-0106, Sydney


I am Mr.Mario Cynaro, CEO of EEN-BEE Inc based in Sydney Australia. We specialized in the iron and steel products. We are searching for representatives who can help us establish a medium of getting to our customers in Canada/America/Europe and other nearby countries as well as making payments through you to us. You do not have to leave your present job for this one because this job offer will be on a part time basis as it comes once in a while and remuneration is on a percentage basis of 10% of the total amount you receive from my customers at any time on my behalf.

The reason I seek your assistance is that American, Canadian And European checks takes a long time to clear here in Australia. Thereby holding business down for me and my associates.  Now I already have customers who are ready to remit cash to me.  Please to facilitate the conclusion of this transaction if accepted, do send me promptly the following information :-

(1)Your full names:
(2)Contact address:
(3)Tele/cell numbers:

Thanks for your time.

Mario Cynaro
President and Chief Executive Officer

Common Misnomers
The symptoms for each person with Lupus are ususally very different.  The only qualified medical personal to diagnose you with Lupus would be a Rheumatologist who specializes in Lupus.
Non-Specialist mean well when they run an ANA test; however, unless your kidneys are being affected in that particular flare up, the ANA will come back negative and your family doctor will assume you don' have Lupus.  Trust me on this one, there are a list of tests that a specialist runs, that I can't even pronounce, and the list is quite long.
I knew I had Lupus for years.  I was diagnosed in Fort Worth, Texas in 1990, however, I had serious symptoms for yeras. I decided to come back home to Ohio and chose, who I thought was a good doctor. He ended up being not so great of a doctor.  He kept saying, "Your ANA test is negative. You don't have Lupus"  Needless to say, my Lupus went untreated for 5 years. Finally, I changed doctors but by the time I started to get treatment for it again, my immune system went haywire, and I was put on chemo to control it. I had already suffered a massive heart attack.   It's not under control, I am very ill at this time, with yet another flare up.  I doubt that it will ever be under control again because I went for so long without treatment.
Unless you've seen a specialist who is familar with all aspects of Lupus, you haven't been properly diagnosed. 
Don't be afraid to tell your doctor you want another opinion with a specialist.  I would have saved myself a lot of trouble had I took my own advice

Paul McCartney and his Gold Diggin Wife

On his latest CD he sings a song called "Riding to Vanity Fair". The first time that I heard it I thought he was talking about Heather; recently that was confirmed.  How very sad for Paul, I just want to reach out, take his hand and tell him it's going to alright. Then I want to reach out and smack Heather across the face for being a floozy-tramp.

Gold digger ring a bell? I went searching the Internet to find out if other people around the world felt the same as I.  Low and behold, they do.  Here are some comments from different people around the world. The first comment for me is a "TOUCHETTE", exactly what I was thinking.

I also want to say this, "I have loved Paul since the earliest days of my life; 2 years old my mother told me.  The Beatles were and are a huge part of my life. Growing up I only listened to the Beatles and Wings; honestly, I didn't even know who the Eagles were or other famous bands of that era, because I did nothing but listen to Macca and the Beatles, with guitar in hand.  You couldn't see the wall in my room as it was covered with Macca, Mrs. Macca (LINDA), Wings and the Beatles.

The differance between Mrs. Macca and Heather? Look in Paul's eyes; it says everything. Listen to the music he wrote for each;  My Love versus Riding to Vanity Fair.  Heather Mills could live 10 life times and Mrs. Macca (LINDA) would still have more class in her little finger then that Gold Digger could ever have.

Beatrice should be provided for. Heather should get nothing. She knew what she was after when she married Paul. This latest story from her ex husband confirms it! How come he had such a wonderful long marriage with Linda if there was any problem with him?

- Alison, Southampton UK

Here are several excerpts from an inteview with her ex-husband as he speaks out; for free.  Mind you, she has a history of going from one to the other---usually the other has more money. She must have thought she hit the Jackpot when she snared Sir Paul.

Alfie Kamal told the Evening Standard he was not surprised the marriage had collapsed in acrimony. He had issued a "Buyer Beware" warning when the former Beatle began dating Ms Mills and his prediction of disaster had finally come true.

We have both been Heathered," he said. "If there is anything I have in common with Sir Paul it's probably that.

"I don't know the details of why their marriage has broken down but from what I can make out they cannot bear to be in the same room together. That's how it goes with her. You get to a point where you start to hate her and hate the way she is."

Here are comments from other readers from The Standard.

It appears that the criticisms of Heather's being selfish, self centred and money oriented are closer to the truth than most thought.

- Sandi, Edinburgh


This awful woman should be made to hand over a large wodge to poor Sir Paul.

- William Owen, Cardiff Wales

The article just backs up what most people already thought.

- Susan, Dublin, Ireland

I watched a programme about Heather Mills on the biography channel; it was eye opening and she is not the "nice" person she likes to be portrayed.

- Roy, Middlesbrough

She definitely deserves to leave with nothing. She didn't help him make his money and she had nothing to do with his success. He deserves a lot better than her and her selfish attitude.

- Jj, Tennessee, USA

Sir Paul worked hard for his money and he is the one who earned it, not Heather! Even though she was married to him, it was a very short-lived marriage and I fail to see how she can expect to gain such huge amounts of money for such a short-lived marriage.

- Leslie, St. John's, Canada


Edit Picture

Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime
and never let go till we're gone.
Love was when I loved you, one true time to hold on to
in my life we'll always go on.

Mark, you are that one true time.


You spend your days and nights wondering, "what if" it would have been different? What if you didn’t leave and things would have worked out? So finally you find the information you need and you find him, and all you can do is cross your fingers that he hadn’t married; or forgot about you.  She sends her letter to the man who captivated her heart, the man whose eyes she could spend hours looking into.  All he had to do was say her name and her heart would beat so fast and so hard that she thought it would just race right out of her chest. 


Everyday she waits for a letter or a phone call, everyday she runs to the mailbox and nothing, and every time the phone rings she giggles hoping its Mark on the other end.  Then the letter that she sent is returned to her.  She calls his Mother and she says, “Chrissy, Mark is dead”.  And you just want to scream because you don't want to believe it, and the sadness darkens your heart and you realize that once again you've lost each other, but this time it's for good.  There's no turning back, there's no making up for lost time, there's not even a chance to say goodbye.  He's just gone. The eyes you wanted so desperately to gaze into again, the mouth you wanted to brush against your lips just one more time.  Just one more time is gone and all that is left is a memory and tears that come with no warning, a sinking sadness in your heart, a life and person that can not be replaced.  and you keep repeating the words “always to late”.  She stares at the returned letter in her desk drawer.  She won’t throw it away, she won’t open it, he was alive and well when she wrote it. It isn’t fair, but then again life isn’t fair I guess.


Somewhere deep in the sadness, she knows that someday she’ll see him again, because she knows that somewhere in time they were meant to be together if not in this life then in the next.

I love you Mark, I loved your soul from the first time we ever we looked into each others eyes.


Love you forever,




The Abuse of Parents by their Teenage Children

Our mission is to help the people of Canada
maintain and improve their health.
Health Canada

Parent Abuse:The Abuse of Parents by Their Teenage Children was prepared by Barbara Cottrell for the Family Violence Prevention Unit, Health Canada.

Également en français sous le titre Violence à l’égard des parents : les mauvais traitements infligés aux parents par leurs adolescents
The opinions expressed in this report are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Health Canada.

Contents may not be reproduced for commercial purposes, but any other reproduction, with acknowledgements, is encouraged. This publication may be provided in alternate formats upon request. For further information on family violence issues, please contact:

The National Clearinghouse on Family Violence
Family Violence Prevention Unit
Health Issues Division
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
Health Canada
Address Locator: 1909D1
9th Floor, Jeanne Mance Bldg., Tunney’s Pasture
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1B4 CANADA
Telephone: 1-800-267-1291 or (613) 957-2938
Fax: (613) 941-8930
Fax Link: 1-888-267-1233 or (613) 941-7285
TTY: 1-800-561-5643 or (613) 952-6396
Web Site:

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2001
Cat. H72-21/180-2000E
ISBN 0-662-29529-3

What is Parent Abuse?
Who is Likely to be Violent?
Who is Being Abused?
What is the Effect on the Family?
Why is the Abuse Happening?
Ending the Abuse
Ultimate Goal: Regaining Control and Healing the Relationship
Help for the Abusive Youth
Final Note


I am deeply grateful for the exceptional ideas, guidance and support of the members of the Parent Abuse Project Advisory Committee, a sub-Committee of the Committee Against Woman Abuse. Diane Kays, a therapist with the Family Service Association of the Halifax Regional Municipality, first identified parent abuse as an issue we should explore. Diane and Glenda Hayden, a therapist with the Avalon Sexual Assault Centre, provided much of the background discussion and ideas for the sections on counselling and therapy. Darlene MacLean, the Assistant Program Coordinator and Bookkeeper at the Bayers Westwood Family Resource Centre, offered her personal and professional reflections into the problem; Anne Goodwill's sharp eyes kept us from making mistakes, and Linda Roberts, the Multi-Service Coordinator at the Captain William Spry Community Centre, contributed her organizational wisdom and expertise.

I would also like to thank the many concerned parents, professionals and youth who generously contributed time and expertise to this project. Parent Abuse:The Abuse of Parents by Their Teenage Children is based on what they told us. Thanks also to Mary Anne Finlayson, Christy Nickerson and Margo Wheaton for their invaluable input into the research and writing, to Jeanette Tobin, Nova Scotia Drug Dependency, for her expertise on substance abuse, and to Tod Augusta-Scott, the Program Coordinator of Bridges - A Domestic Abuse Intervention Program, for his insight into the issue of responsibility and abuse.

I also drew on the work of the following people and would like to thank them for sharing their ideas and for their encouragement of this work:

Anne-Marie Ambert, a professor at York University, whose books on parenting include The Effect of Children on Parents and Parents, Children, and Adolescents: Interactive Relationships and Development in Context.

Jackie Barkley, a clinical therapist with Choices Adolescent Treatment Program, Central Regional Health Board, author of "Reclaiming Our Children: Teachers as Elders" in Daily Meaning: Counternarratives of Teachers' Work and "The Politics of Parenting and the Youth Crisis" in Power and Resistance: Critical Thinking About Canadian Social Issues.

Peter Monk, a child and family therapist who conducted research on the topic in British Columbia. His study is titled Adolescent-to-Parent Violence: A Qualitative Analysis of Emerging Themes (Unpublished thesis.)

Jerome Price, who works with teens and their families at the Michigan Family Institute and is author of Power and Compassion: Working with Difficult Adolescents and Abused Parents.

The project was funded by the Family Violence Prevention Unit of Health Canada and my thanks go to Liette Lalonde for her support of this work.


Twenty years ago, people thought spousal abuse was a rare occurrence. Victims were blamed with statements such as "she must like it or why would she stay?" and "she probably provoked him." Abuse was seen as a private family matter and there were few supports available. Since the issue of violence within families has come to public attention, policies and supports have been put in place and attempts are being made to protect adults from abusive spouses and children from abusive parents.

Another form of family violence that may occur as often but is still a well-kept secret is the abuse of parents by their adolescent children.

There are striking similarities between current attitudes toward parent abuse and the old attitudes toward wife abuse. Parents are usually the first people blamed for the behaviour of their children, but there are few supports and interventions available to them. There is also little public awareness of parent abuse.

To determine the nature and parameters of parent abuse, initial research was conducted in 1995-96 in Halifax, Nova Scotia by Barbara Cottrell and Mary Anne Finlayson of Meta Research and Communications. The project was sponsored by the Captain William Spry Community Centre, the Committee Against Woman Abuse and the Family Service Association of the Halifax Regional Municipality, and was funded by Health Canada.

We talked to parents, professionals and adolescents in group discussions and in formal and informal individual interviews. We listened to 45 parents who had experienced parent abuse; 39 teenagers; 34 community workers, clinicians, academics and other professionals. A number of people interviewed self-identified as both a professional and a parent of an abusive teen.

Some of the questions we attempted to answer were:

  • What is parent abuse?

  • How widespread is parent abuse?

  • Who is the abuser?

  • Who is being abused?

  • How is the family affected?

  • Why is the abuse happening?

  • Where can families get help?

We also researched the literature and found a huge void on the topic of the abuse of parents by their teenage children. A 1993 literature review prepared for the Family Violence Prevention Unit of Health Canada (Four Variations of Family Violence: A Review of Sociological Research, 1993: 8) states that the substantial body of data on family violence includes little reliable information on forms of violence other than spousal abuse. It warns that "(M)any young people.. physically victimize their parents. Again, this is a problem that has been, by and large, ignored by Canadian researchers." Little has been published on the topic since then, yet counsellors, social workers and other professionals continue to hear from clients more and more anecdotal evidence of this form of family violence.

A pamphlet, guide and final report documented the research findings.

Follow-up research

At the request of Health Canada, 25 interviews were conducted in 1999 to determine how useful the 1996 materials were. Fifteen people who had requested the materials talked about how they accessed and used the materials, and 10 parents of abusive adolescents discussed their experiences and how these related to the information in the materials. Both parents and professionals were extremely positive about the materials. They found the work "an eye-opener" and said it accurately described their experiences.

Most people we spoke to said they had not seen the issue discussed anywhere other than in Parent Abuse, and they were glad to see the topic "out in the open." Parents said that it helped them identify their experiences as abuse. They also said it helped them take action.

It helps you look at (the teen's) behaviour in a different way and to realize that it's not right for our children to act like this and it's not something we should put up with.
(A parent)

The publication is water in the desert. It names the issue. By calling it parent abuse, it defines a reality. Having the concept out there helps parents recognize the behaviour is inappropriate. Gloria Steinem said that: before we really named it "wife assault", we called it "life." The issue of parent abuse is still at that stage.
(A social worker)

This publication is an updated version of the 1996 publication. 

What is Parent Abuse?

Defining Parent Abuse

Children are not adults. They are dependent, vulnerable persons, requiring protection and leadership. The relationship between parents and children is not equal: it is a protective, unequal relationship of an adult with a dependent child. The relative balance between dependence and independence is not static and changes with the age of the child, but essentially equality is not achieved until adulthood. In a positive parent-child relationship, the parent has accountability and responsibility to provide reasonable authority over the child. The relationship is dysfunctional when the reverse is true, and carries with it the potential for abuse.
( Jacqueline Barkley, in a talk to parents, 1999)

Occasional conflict between people who live together, including parents and their children, is normal. Parent abuse is difficult to define because it is not always clear when certain behaviours are "normal" and when they are "abusive." Conflict becomes abusive when one person uses threats, force or manipulation to gain power over the other. Parent abuse is any act of a child that is intended to cause physical, psychological or financial damage to gain power and control over a parent.

Teenagers normally go through a process of trying to establish their sense of separateness from their parents. This is called "individuating," and may at times include some defiance or resistance toward authority. There is a difference, however, between resistance and aggression, between separating from a parent and trying to take control of a parent, between "normal" teenage behaviour and "parent abuse."

Abusive adolescent behaviour ranges from mild to severe violence. Parents have to examine their teen's behaviour and determine whether it is acceptable or if it has become abusive. Abusive behaviour should not be tolerated.

The abuse usually begins with verbal abuse. For most parents, the abuse is a daily occurrence that follows a pattern, usually with the child showing no signs of remorse or guilt. 3 There was no remorse, he felt totally justified in his behaviour.
(A parent)

Some parents, however, reported a cycle of abuse similar to spousal abuse, where the child expresses remorse, and sometimes self-hatred. Even when abusive teens do not express remorse, many parents sense that the teens are aware that their behaviour is hurtful. Some parents report that teens who abuse drugs or alcohol exhibit a frightening lack of emotion concerning their abuse.

Forms of Abuse

Any behaviour that is deliberately harmful to the parent and used as a form of control may be defined as abuse. The abuse may be physical, psychological (including verbal) or financial. Most abuse can be classified in more than one way. Here are some examples of the various forms of abuse:

Physical abuse

  • hitting, punching, slapping or kicking

  • shoving and pushing

  • breaking things

  • punching holes in the walls

  • throwing things

  • spitting

Parents' accounts of the physical abuse they experience at the hands of their teens are graphic and frightening:

He pushed me against the door and I slid down. He punched me two times in the leg and left.
(A parent)

Teens can display aggression that leaves the parent with the unmistakable message: "If I can do this to a wall, I can do it to you. I'm in control here." Psychological abuse and emotional terrorism

  • intimidating the parent, making the parent fearful

  • maliciously playing mind games, trying to make the parent think he or she is crazy

  • making unrealistic demands on parents, such as insisting they drop what they're doing to comply with the child's demands

  • purposely not telling the parent where they're going or what they're doing

  • running away from home or staying out all night

  • lying

  • threatening to hurt, maim or kill the parent or someone else

  • making manipulative threats, such as threatening to run away, commit suicide or otherwise hurt themselves without really intending to do so

  • degrading the parent or other family members

  • withholding affection

  • controlling the running of the household

I thought he would punch me in the face. He was really wild and it frightened me.  (A parent)

Verbal abuse is one form of psychological abuse. This includes:

  • yelling

  • arguing, challenging ( "I don't have to do anything you say!")

  • being sarcastic or critical, belittling

  • laughing in the parent's face

  • name calling ( "You bitch!")

  • "I hate you!"

  • swearing at the parent

Some adolescent behaviour is more irresponsible and thoughtless than abusive. However, in some cases, adolescents deliberately use psychological means to manipulate, control and hurt their parents. This teen was fully aware of the impact of his behaviour:

I used to play mind games with my parents, but I never hit them. I'd do little things to upset them, to get them going. Like I'd take the batteries out of the TV and VCR remote control and hide them, then watch my father go nuts trying to change the channel. Or, I'd lock up a little box in my room and put it under the bed, but leave a corner sticking out, like I'd meant to hide it. There'd be nothing in it, but it would drive my parents crazy thinking I had dope or something in my room.
(17-year-old male)

Financial abuse

  • stealing money or parent's belongings (sometimes referred to as "borrowing" without permission)

  • selling possessions, their own or the parents'

  • destroying the home or parents' belongings

  • demanding parents buy things they don't feel they can afford

  • incurring debts the parents must cover (e.g. as a result of damage to or theft of others' property)

Parents face tremendous ongoing pressure from the culturally pervasive idea that they should provide their children with material possessions. While most teens try to persuade their parents to provide them with the latest in brand-name goods, some abusive teens capitalize on their parents' feelings of obligation and inadequacy by attempting to force them to spend far more than they can afford:

You can't reason with her. If she wants something that I can't afford, I explain it to her and she says "I don't want to hear this." She thinks everything's my fault. I even took out a bank loan because she wanted a whole new bedroom suite, but it's never enough, she always wants more.
(A parent)

How Widespread is Parent Abuse? 

Many professionals believe that parent abuse is increasing in our society. Few statistics are available to support or contradict this belief. Police records do not specify the relationship between the victim and perpetrator in charges of assault, and the Young Offenders' Act prevents access to information on charges against minors. Hospitals, shelters and other institutions such as child welfare and adolescent mental health agencies and schools, where we would expect to hear reports of parent abuse, often do not recognize, record or report the problem.

Who is Likely to be Violent?

Profile of the Teen


Although many professionals believe that boys tend to be more physically violent toward their parents than girls, our research indicates that both boys and girls participate in all forms of abuse.

Age and size

Professionals believe that the foundation of abusive behaviour begins long before the children are teenagers. Most of the parents we interviewed said the abuse began when the child was between 12 and 14. Some parents were aware that their children exhibited signs of violent behaviour at an earlier age (four or five years) but initially viewed the behaviour as a "tantrum" rather than abuse. Teenagers' greater physical size may make them more threatening, and parents then begin to identify the child's behaviour as abusive.

Substance abuse and criminal activity

Many abusive teens participate in socially deviant activities such as drug or alcohol use or criminal activities (shoplifting, fraud, break and enter, theft, violent crime and/or prostitution). When teens become involved in drugs or alcohol, parents sometimes notice a sudden, drastic change in their school work, relationships and behaviour.

Victims and perpetrators

Sometimes youth who are abusive toward their parents have themselves been the victims of physical, sexual and/or emotional abuse. This may have occurred within their nuclear or extended family, or outside the family altogether. Some teens are not the direct victims of violence but may have witnessed it in their homes. It is recognized that children who witness violence are at a greater risk of developing behaviour problems, such as aggression with peers, non-compliance with adults, destructive behaviour, and conflict with the law.

Who is Being Abused?

Profile of the Family

Family structure

Because families experience changes in structure and income, it is difficult to describe the typical abused parent as single or married, wealthy or poor. The majority (76%) of the parents in the 1996 study had single-parented during their lives. (The study was not based on a random sample, so this proportion may not represent the family composition distribution in which teens abuse their parents.) Parent abuse occurs in families from various races, social classes and family structures. Our study included adopted children, step-children, foster children and biological children, and while the majority of those interviewed were single parents at the time of the interview, the problem also occurs in two-parent families.


The average age of parents we interviewed in the 1996 study was 44 years. This contradicts the popular belief that parent abuse is experienced primarily by people who became parents at too young an age.


Mothers and step-mothers, in both single and two-parent homes, are the most common targets of teenagers' abusive behaviour. Many mothers are intimidated by their son's and daughter's physical size and greater strength, although mothers who are physically larger than their teen also experience abuse. Mothers seem less able than fathers to take a stand and give their teenager an ultimatum to follow the rules or leave the house and often protect their children even when the children are victimizing them.


Fathers and step-fathers are also victims of parent abuse but generally not to the same extent as mothers and step-mothers. When violence occurs between children and their fathers, fathers often react violently and perceive the incident as a fight rather than abuse.

Parents with disabilities

Parents with disabilities, including fathers, are also frequent victims.

Other vulnerable targets

Some teens also abuse other vulnerable members of the family such as younger siblings or family pets.

As with other forms of family violence, it seems that abusers victimize the people they see as vulnerable.

What is the Effect on the Family?

The Parents


All abused parents experience a range of emotions, from fear of their teenager and fear for the safety of their teenager, to guilt about pressing police charges for assault. Most parents have difficulty accepting that their child could be abusive toward them and may initially deny the problem:

He's my kid. You make excuses, you don't see it for what it is.
(A parent)

Failure, shame and blame

Many parents feel depressed and filled with shame that they were not able to produce a happy family. They question their parenting abilities, agonize over where they went wrong, and begin to feel like failures. Women particularly live under the threat of not meeting societal expectations and being condemned as bad mothers. One mother said:

I feel punished. It's like all the mistakes I made in parenting have come back to haunt me.
(A parent)

In this society we do not collectively take responsibility for our children. While parents certainly play a major role in their child's development, they are usually blamed for everything that goes wrong. They, along with everyone else, buy into this belief and often take full responsibility for their abusive child's actions.

Ambert challenges this narrow perspective of the parent-child relationship:

[The] public still sees parents as the prime, and often only, influence on their children. Even if they perceive that peers can be very important, they still feel that, if their adolescents suffer from the effect of the detrimental influence of their peer group, the negative consequences are still the parents' fault.
(1992: 3)

Challenging the belief that parents are the sole influence on their children can be a refreshing perspective for parents, especially those struggling with guilt and shame over the actions of their children. The idea that parents are the sole influence on their children negates the effect of other social influences in the child's life and places an impossible load of responsibility on the parents' shoulders. When they seek help they frequently encounter messages of blame. This feeling of being blamed and the sense of being solely responsible sometimes makes it difficult for parents to hear positive and useful suggestions to change their behaviour as a possible solution to difficulties with their children:

It is so hard to ask for help because you don't want to define yourself as a failure. You don't want to admit you didn't succeed with this child.
(A parent)

All adults are parenting the next generation, and community members of all kinds, including neighbours, relatives, teachers, ministers, social workers and the police, all share responsibility for what happens to our children.
( Jacqueline Barkley, in a talk to parents, 1999)

Despair and isolation

In addition to feeling solely responsible, parents often feel unsupported and isolated. They feel hopeless and helpless because they are unable to control the situation, either because of physical danger or their own emotional turmoil. Despair at not having a harmonious family life and feeling isolated in the situation makes change all the more difficult. The psychological abuse parents experience is as unnerving and soul destroying as physical abuse. As Jerome Price, in his book Power and Compassion: Working with Difficult Adolescents and Abused Parents, says:

The greatest roadblock to change is the hopelessness that abused parents feel and the inertia that results from their despair. Parents of aggressive adolescents appear to be either paralyzed into an emotionless stupor or activated to perform a set of ritualized reactions in which they helplessly rage against the tyranny of their children.
(1996: 76)

Strained relations

Teens' abusive behaviour often leads to arguments between adults in the home as to how the teen should be disciplined. This limits the amount of quality time the adults are able to spend together. Many couples' relationships undergo a tremendous amount of strain and are sometimes torn apart because of the teen's behaviour:

It drove a wedge between my wife and me. I had to decide between being a father to my children or a husband to my wife. It was impossible to see my child as the culprit - she was always quiet and docile when I came home, and it was my wife who was "freaking out."
(A parent)


Almost all abused parents feel unable to trust their teen, especially when they are left unsupervised at home. The uncertainty of what will confront them when they return is always on the parents' mind. Some wonder whether the child will be home at all, or if their home and possessions will be damaged, while others just dread having to deal with their teen:

It was so bad I'd be glad to go to work and I'd dread coming home. My first fear was she wouldn't be home, my second was that she would be home. I'd go home on the bus worrying about what she'd do to hurt me tonight.
(A parent)


The stress of dealing with an abusive teen can have a negative impact on parents' health, sometimes making existing health problems worse, sometimes causing new problems. A number of parents told us that they use prescribed medication to help them deal with the tension and stress of the situation. Some parents also turn to alcohol or drugs to help them cope.


When the teenager has had to leave the house, some family members experience a strong sense of loss: siblings no longer have their brother or sister, and parents grieve for the loss of their child. They are also grieving for the loss of the family as a unit. This experience is especially traumatic in single-parent families where the teen is an only child. In cases where the teenager has a child, parents lose not only their child, but also their contact with the grandchild.


Adolescents' abusive behaviour affects other children in the home and parents fear for their safety. Some parents are concerned that observing a sibling's dangerous activities (drugs, alcohol, prostitution) may affect the other children and put the rest of the family at risk. In addition, focussing on the abusive teen often leaves little time and energy for parents to pay attention to the other children. Parents reported that the children who are being ignored sometimes act out in order to get attention, or become depressed.

Other relationships

The parents' and child's relationships with friends and extended family members can be jeopardized by the abuse. Teens also manipulate other family members into believing the abuse is the parents' fault:

She'd tell her father I'd done things to her, call my sister and mother and tell them all things I hadn't even done. She slowly eroded my relationship with my mother.
(A parent)

The workplace

The stress of dealing with the abuse spreads beyond the home. Parents take their concerns and anxiety with them to the workplace.

The worry experienced by parents whose teenagers are skipping school, or who have run away from home, can make it difficult for them to concentrate at work. Their concern about the child's whereabouts, whether the child is in trouble or in danger, can lead to anxiety about their jobs and even about the security of their job.

Some parents also worry about the number of phone calls they receive at work concerning their teenager, as well as the amount of time they have to take off to deal with emergency situations or court appearances. The cost of counselling the family when public services are inadequate or unavailable can cause an added financial strain that makes it even more imperative that parents keep their jobs.

Why is the Abuse Happening?

There is no definitive explanation for parent abuse; there are, in fact, a multitude of interconnected dynamics contributing to the behaviour. However, several contributing factors have been identified.

Family Dynamics

Parental authority

There is a need for clear structure and leadership in families. Parents need to know how to be in charge, to realize they have the right to set limits, and to say, "This is my house and you can't behave that way in it." They are sometimes afraid of losing the love of their teen by enforcing rules and standards of behaviour. Sometimes parents are so intimidated they try to avoid confrontation by allowing the adolescent to rule the household.

When teens feel their parents are not in control, they act out because they don't feel safe. The developmental tasks of adolescents are typically complex and can be difficult. For most teenagers, it is an added burden to cope with power over their parents.

Enforcing the rules

It is normal for adolescents to go through a period of "I hate your rules," but the parents' job is to rein the children in tighter and impose the rules. Sometimes parents' attempts to enforce house rules are successful. However, some children become even more abusive and refuse to obey the rules when their parents make it clear that the teen's behaviour is not acceptable, and they impose appropriate consequences. 

Now my daughter decides she's not going to follow the rules around curfews or helping with housework. I don't think those rules were unreasonable.
(A parent)

Changes in the family structure

In situations in which parents have separated, the children sometimes resent the parent they live with (usually the mother) for changing their home, community, school, friends or lifestyle. Teenagers are sometimes jealous of the loss of attention from their mother or father when new partners become involved. When the mother is a single parent, teens sometimes vent all their anger and frustration on her simply because she is present. One teen, when asked why she abuses her mother, said "Because I have no one else."

Social isolation

Feelings of isolation and alienation from families, schools and society can be experienced by teenagers in North American culture. Feelings of disconnection do not lead most adolescents to act abusively, and are not the sole basis of violent teenage behaviour, but there may be a link between this isolation and teenage aggression.

Modern-day pressures of work and finances create additional stress and problems for the family and leave parents with little time to spend with their teens. When children are younger, parents take the responsibility of planning their activities, but when they begin to reach adolescence this becomes increasingly more difficult.

Teens who feel alienated from their parents often crave for their attention and will often act out abusively as a means of expressing their frustration and anger. Further, adolescents may lack the maturity to exercise self-control, and this can lead to other forms of socially deviant behaviour. These teens need adult guidance and leadership.

History of Abuse

In our society, violence and aggression are commonly used to achieve goals and maintain control. Parents shout at their children, the police pepper spray protesters, and Hollywood's good guys shoot and kill to save the world. Aggression and violent images invade most corners of our lives. In some families or communities, physical, emotional or verbal abuse is an accepted method of communication. If it has been occurring for years or generations, it may have become customary behaviour.

Some abusive teens have themselves been the victims of physical, sexual or emotional abuse, or have witnessed their parents or siblings being abused and may become abusive as a way to regain some of their lost power and control. According to Shuman and Seiffge-Krenke:

Many studies have provided evidence to support the hypothesis that adolescent violent behaviour is a function of having experienced or witnessed child abuse. Wisdom (1989) reviewed the findings of such studies and determined that boys exhibiting violent behaviors were more likely to have experienced abuse or witnessed extreme physical abuse than non-violent boys.
(1997: 176)

Unfortunately, the teens who respond with abuse often do not focus their retaliation on the perpetrator - instead they abuse their non-abusive parent.

Shuman and Seiffge-Krenke also state that boys, more than girls, tend to identify with their fathers and are likely to possess their fathers' negative and positive traits. This has serious implications for boys who have witnessed their fathers' abusive behaviour toward their mothers. In this 1984 study,1 it was found that 23% of the fathers of violent youths had battered their wives. The authors conclude that "a combination of paternal aggression, inadequate discipline and negative attitude toward the child fosters aggressive and delinquent behaviour" (1997: 181).

Sex role stereotyping and violence against women

The continued devaluation of women means that women still earn less money than men and are under-represented in positions of power. As the victims of ongoing violence and denigration, many women lack confidence in themselves as human beings and as parents. Yet, women are still primarily responsible for parenting our children. Although many fathers are equally concerned about their abusive children and share responsibility in seeking help for the problem, some are emotionally or physically absent, or abusive.

In the past few decades, an increase in aggressive behaviour among teenage girls has been observed. Some people have suggested that young women today are rebelling against the traditional concept that "girls are timid, passive and fearful." Many young women want to be powerful and recognized and their anger can sometimes be understood as justified and constructive, a response to social injustice and dominance. However, their anger is sometimes unjustified and inappropriately expressed.

Some professionals report that girls express hatred toward their mothers for being submissive, and for subjecting themselves and their children to the violence of their husband or partner. These girls are wary of the passivity and abusively, often imitating the aggressive behaviour of males. One mother reports that her teenage daughter contemptuously yelled at her, "You're nothing but a coward!" Strategies such as submission, which women use to cope with abuse, often lead to further victimization.

Traditionally, women have been aware of and been receptive to the feelings and emotions of those around them. In our interviews, many teens agreed that it was easier to share their emotions with their mothers. They're not as afraid of their mothers as they are of their fathers, who have been socialized to respond to teens' feelings more aggressively. Teens said things like, "I'd never dare hit my Dad." As a result, adolescents can express a whole range of feelings toward their mothers, including anger.

You can get over a fight with your mom quicker than with anyone else. If you fight with a friend, you don't talk for a long time. Teens take their parents for granted. They take out their aggression on their parents because parents will forgive them.
(A 15-year-old teen)

The Role of Schools

Youth are under a great deal of pressure from schools and from their peers. The school environment can be violent, unsafe and disrespectful. Teens experience violence and the threat of violence at the hands of other students. The threat of violence and the pressure to be "cool" at school makes many teens feel vulnerable and lowers their self-esteem. They feel they have to be in control to avoid being victimized and learn not to show weakness in front of their peers. Teachers often feel as powerless as any other adult to deal with teens' aggression.

School is really violent and abusive. You should hear the way the kids talk, they say, "Don't mess with me" and they mean it. My friend was walking along one day and some guy comes up to him and says, "Where's that $20 you owe me?" If you're halfways nervous, if you're not a cool person, you'd have to get the money for him even if you never borrowed it, otherwise you live in fear of being beaten up.
(A teenager)

There are few outlets for adolescents to deal with the stress they experience at school, and many teens act out their victimization and rage in severely violent ways at home. Parents who are being abused reported rarely feeling supported or helped by the schools their children attend. While every situation must be assessed on its own merits, as this parent says, communication with the school is essential.

Parents need to stay connected to the school. The school needs to know that there is a family for these kids, the school will be less likely to see the parents as the cause, and it will keep them from simply expelling the kids, and will help the situation.
(A social worker)

Drugs and Alcohol

Alcohol and drug abuse is commonly linked with teenagers' violent behaviour. According to a 1994 survey,2 use of illicit drugs is primarily a teenage phenomenon. The highest use of cannabis was reported by males age 15-24 (26%-28%). It was estimated that in the 15 to 17 age group, 27% of males use cannabis; 31% have used at least one illicit drug in their lifetime; and 27% of males use at least one illicit drug. The statistics for young women are only slightly lower: 24% of females in the 15 to 17 age group use cannabis; 29% have used at least one illicit drug in their lifetime; and 24% use at least one illicit drug.

A series of surveys on Canadian youth aged 11, 13 and 153 has found that, since 1994, there has been a sharp increase in youth who by Grade 10 had used marijuana three or more times. According to the report, in 1994 30% of boys and 27% of girls used marijuana. In 1998, this had risen to 44% of boys and 41% of girls. There is also a slight increase in the adolescent use of solvents. In 1994, 7% of boys and 5% of girls were users; in 1998: 9% of boys and 6% of girls. Cocaine use also rose slightly, from 3% to 6% for boys, and 3% to 5% for girls.

The report concludes that, since the 1994 survey, there has been a strong relationship between use of marijuana and other health-risk behaviour, and those who use marijuana are also more likely to use alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and spend a great deal of time with other adolescents who engage in the same behaviour. They're more likely to feel pressured at school, skip classes and bully others.

Although substance abuse does not cause violent behaviour, parents report that when their teen is using drugs, their behaviour is more severe and the teen shows no sense of remorse.

Her anger was much worse when she was on drugs. There was a cutting edge to her. There was no feeling. The drugs wiped out all her feelings.
(A parent)

Price (1996) notes that drug abuse is often perceived as the cause of a child's problematic behaviour and cautions that drug abuse, moodiness and dropping grades are often symptoms of other serious problems. Substance abuse by parents can contribute to the problem of parent abuse. Teenagers may be angry with their parents for being unavailable and emotionally abandoning them, and may attempt to control the parents by threatening to reveal their substance abuse.

Mental Health and Medical Issues

Serious mental disorders

In some rare instances, adolescent violence is a symptom of a serious mental disorder, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Unfortunately, these disorders are often difficult to diagnose.

I dragged myself and him around to every specialist and expert trying to get help. I was told I was over-controlling or under-controlling. Their main message was I should tighten the boundaries. I went to a number of very good people in this city, but they all missed the point. After years of hell he was diagnosed as schizophrenic.
(A parent)

Although such a serious diagnosis may explain some behaviour, Price cautions:

The greatest roadblock to change is the hopelessness that abused parents feel and the inertia that results from their despair. Parents of aggressive adolescents appear to be either paralyzed into an emotionless stupor or activated to perform a set of ritualized reactions in which they helplessly rage against the tyranny of their children.
(1996: 76)

Price also cautions that parents should not let labels or diagnoses frighten them into believing they cannot expect to be treated respectfully by their children.

However, until mentally ill children are properly diagnosed, parents struggle to understand their behaviour.

I thought he was being manipulative, but now I realize he was in a state of psychosis. I was full of anger and blamed him, but he had to get practically sick unto death before he could get help from professionals. These young men are not stupid or evil. They are very alone and are very difficult people to deal with.
(A parent)

Not all mental health professionals address the child's abusive behaviour toward the parents.

We worked with one psychiatrist who did not in any way address the abuse issues.We repeatedly brought up the issue of violence because it was escalating. As the violence continued to worsen, I was told to call the police and the situation was never looked at comprehensively and in depth. Not only do they not get it, but they make it worse. We started working with another psychiatrist, but she didn't address the abuse issues either. At that point my daughter was locking me in closets, putting her fists through walls and raging on a daily basis. And that went on for a year and a half.
(A parent)

Medical diagnoses give parents relief from guilt and blame, and the prescribed medications often help control aggressive behaviours. While a diagnosis brings some relief, it can also harness the parent to caring for a mentally ill child for life. After an adolescent is diagnosed, parents need support.

Parents also need to know what they are dealing with. They need to know that if their child has a severe mental illness like schizophrenia, they are isolated and withdrawn and suffer from terrible loneliness.
(A parent)

Less serious mental disorders

Some teens who exhibit violent or aggressive behaviour toward their parents or others are diagnosed as having:

  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or ADD)

  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder

  • Conduct Disorders, including Adolescent Adjustment Disorder.

While these diagnoses identify a problem, some parents and professionals believe that doctors do little more than label the symptoms and prescribe medication where they deem it appropriate. Parents and professionals are concerned about widespread prescription drug use among teens, and with the impact of labelling a child. Some parents believe that this labelling is used to excuse certain behaviours and this creates further problems:

She possibly had a mental illness or emotional problem, but that's not the issue; it's not an excuse. It was her behaviour we needed to look at.
(A parent)

Parenting practices

We are a generation who put our energy into making teens happy and comfortable instead of responsible. We have attempted to change the role of the parent from authoritative disciplinarian to partners in a more equal relationship in which parents are "friends" with their children. The result is that children develop images of parents as the people whose job it is to make them happy.

Sometimes, this results in inappropriate and unhealthy parent-child relationships in which parents treat their children as companions or partners. This places an unfair burden on the teen.

We wanted to be the kids' friends, but we now realize that we have to be their parents; they have lots of friends out there.
(A parent)

In the first half of the 19th century, children were considered the property of adults. They were expected to "be seen and not heard," and were often treated disrespectfully, sometimes cruelly, by adults both at home and in school. Children had few rights and parents were seldom held responsible for harming their children. The permissive 1960s and the work to end child abuse changed much of that. While few dispute that children's rights must be recognized, attempts to protect these rights have led to a severe crisis in leadership within families.

The "new ethics in child rearing" that began in the 1960s shifted focus away from the need for structure and leadership within the family in an attempt to recognize children's basic need to have their feelings and opinions valued. Kindness, leniency and an emphasis on the importance of a child's free expression of feelings became the central themes of positive parenting.

The rule that has come to dominate today's theories of child rearing is that parents must be lenient.
(Price, 1996: 18)

Price lists familiar catch phrases and popular notions that discourage parents from taking control of their children:

  • Children must make their own mistakes.

  • If parents take charge, young people will never learn responsibility themselves.

  • It's their life.

  • Children must be trusted (whether they've earned that trust or not); otherwise, the growth of the inner self will be stunted and creativity and self-expression thwarted.

  • Young people have to make their own decisions (therefore, parents shouldn't force their judgement on young people.)

  • A child's ego will be harmed if his or her right to total privacy is violated.

  • It's intrusive to punish without giving advance warning as to the consequences.

The "Parenting practices" section above is based on the work of Jerome Price (1996: 18, 19).

Parenting has been stolen from parents

The parental role has become professionalized4 as parents are pressured to consult experts for advice and direction. Writers, psychologists, social workers and consultants set themselves up as "experts" on child rearing. Freud and Dr. Spock were but two of the "experts" who became famous for telling parents what they should and should not do. A huge and profitable publishing industry flourishes as books and magazines describe the terrible, lifelong impact of poor parenting on our children. Some parents are coerced into buying these books out of a fear of damaging their children forever. This results in parents losing their confidence in their ability to parent and in taking the leadership role in their families. They then lack the confidence necessary to exert reasonable parental authority and consequently some children lack the boundaries they need for their moral and spiritual growth.

Popular culture also exposes children and youth to increasingly violent images. "Attitude" - that is, a stance of being rude, hostile, detached and aggressive - is cool. Without the necessary boundaries, this attitude is sometimes directed at parents.

Most parents and professionals believe that children's basic rights must be recognized and respected. However, most also believe that a balance must exist between young people's rights and their responsibilities; teenagers are responsible for their own actions and behaviour and must be held accountable for their conduct. Although they may strongly resist it, adolescents need leadership from their parents, and the adults in charge of the culture adolescents are living in must be held accountable for the world we have created for them.

Ending the Abuse

There's no easy way to stop teenagers from abusing their parents, but there are some things parents can do to help themselves:

  • Parents can shift their thinking from looking for a quick fix to recognition that they are involved in a - sometimes long - process. The solutions rarely come overnight. Stopping parent abuse is a process.

  • Parents have to find out what works for them because the dynamics are different in every case. How the abuse is stopped will depend on the individual situation of each family.

  • To find out what might work in their case, parents have to try different things.

  • Parents can shop around. Therapists and others in the helping professions have different beliefs and different styles.

  • Working on the issue, instead of being passive and helpless, gives the parent strength. When they are trying to find a solution, they can feel better about themselves. When the abuse is over - it often diminishes and ends eventually - parents can feel better knowing they have tried a number of ways to find a solution.

Breaking the Silence

To help families and stop parent abuse, we have to break the silence that surrounds it. Because parent abuse is still not recognized, it is often considered acceptable behaviour. The first step to ending the abuse is recognizing that it is abuse.

I'm astounded at the number of parents, professionals and school teachers who are referring youth to us because of substance abuse, and when I ask what other behaviour they're exhibiting at home and school they say, "Oh, the usual adolescent behaviour, he or she curses and swears, stomps around, threatens, lots of name calling." It's abusive behaviour and it gets called "usual adolescent behaviour." Even extremely abusive behaviour is now considered acceptable. The women's movement made men's abuse toward women unacceptable, now we have to do the same with adolescent abuse. It may be "normal" but it certainly isn't right or acceptable.
( Jacqueline Barkley)

Because of a dearth of information about parent abuse, it is not known how often it occurs. There is also a severe lack of resources and supports. Many parents feel that the resources available seem to blame and defeat them rather than offer support. They often suffer abuse in isolation because of the shame and lack of public awareness attached to the issue. Hospitals, shelters and other institutions lack information about the topic and rarely ask the questions that could break through the silence and lead parents to gain support.

I was in the food court at a shopping mall recently, and a teenager at the next table was being verbally abusive to his mother. It was terrible. After they left I looked over at another woman sitting near me and said, "He was being abusive to his mother." And the woman replied, "Oh, I don't think that's abuse." I asked her what she'd call it if her husband did it to her, and she said, "Now that's abuse."
(A community worker)

Until parent abuse is named, it will remain hidden, and families will have difficulty finding help.

Talking About the Abuse

After recognizing the abuse, parents need a safe place to talk about what they are experiencing. Talking about the abuse can have a profound impact on parents and help break the isolation.

The last talk we had turned my life around. Just talking about it out loud made me realize that in our attempt to reach her we'd let her call the shots, we'd let her take over our life. It made me see that we needed to change the relationship between her and us.
(A parent)

Parents may want to talk about their experiences with a friend they feel safe with, or with family members. They need someone who will listen and not minimize the abuse. People without appropriate training may have difficulties listening to this topic, especially if they have had similar experiences. It may

therefore be difficult for parents to find an appropriate person to talk to. It is important for them to keep looking until they find a supportive listener. Some places to turn to include:

  • Family and friends

  • Support groups

  • Counselling services

  • Parent resource centres

  • Women's resource centres

  • Shelters for battered women

Contact names and telephone numbers for these resources may be available at local libraries.

Counselling and therapy

When they are dealing with an abusive teen, parents may find a professional counsellor helpful. Every Canadian has the right to publicly funded mental health services for children, adolescents and their families. However, public resources for counselling and therapy are scarce and parents may need to go on a scavenger hunt for publicly funded resources in their area. The local shelter for battered women, the drug dependency service, children's hospital or child welfare service may have trained counsellors whom parents can consult. If these agencies or organizations can't help, they may be able to refer parents elsewhere.

The choice of a therapist or a counsellor is important. Parents need to "shop around" and find a counsellor or therapist who knows how to help. Unfortunately, many parents have negative experiences with counsellors:

Some therapists assume that parents of teenagers who are out of control are insecure or inadequate. They assume that parents who appear passive and overwhelmed have always been troubled and conclude that the parents' symptoms explain why their children are abusing them. When they see people acting passively, they assume that parents are passive by nature. What they don't see is how behaviour is shaped by relationships, how parents who seem helpless and inept may have become that way because their resources were slowly exhausted as they tried to cope with impossible situations.
(Price 1996: 76)

Some counsellors say the problem of parent abuse begins with poor parenting practices and a lack of appropriate boundaries and limits. Parents feel this is an unsatisfactory explanation that leaves them feeling powerless and vulnerable at a time when they need support to feel strong and capable.

Family therapists make you feel it's all your fault. We weren't functioning well as a family, we didn't need them to tell us that, and we didn't need them to make us feel we weren't doing our job very well.
(A parent)

The relationship between a counsellor or therapist and an abused parent should be collaborative and the therapist should be the parent's ally in the parent's own process. Parents do not always need direction and advice from a counsellor; more often they need support to strengthen themselves in coming up with good solutions to their problems.

It is important that doctors, ministers and other community leaders be informed on this topic and let parents know they are willing to be allies and listeners, and make time for parents.

Support Groups

Support groups can play a significant role in helping parents take concrete steps toward ending the abuse, and thereby take control of their lives. They can provide an opportunity for parents to realize that they are not alone in their struggles, and give parents an opportunity to help others in the same situation. This can be crucial for parents who feel helpless in their own abusive situation because being a source of support for others diminishes the feelings of helplessness.

For a support group to be a successful experience, it has to feel right for the parent, and that often depends on how well the parent "fits" with the other members of the group. The best support groups are often facilitated by a professional who can help parents move on from their anger. Unfortunately, support groups are few and far between and receive little or no support, financial or otherwise, from governments or professionals. More effort needs to be put into creating effective support groups for parents.


Mediating between abusive teens and their parents is controversial, but it may be a source of help in resolving the abusive situation. There is a place for mediation and circle healing, but it has to be in the hands of someone who knows that the victim is not responsible for the violence. The abusive teen has to be accountable for the abuse.

I think we have to look carefully at what the therapeutic community is doing in cases of adolescent abuse of parents. Mediation with teens and their parents in this context is a dangerous practice. Mediation is for parties who are equals. An adolescent is not his or her parent's equal. Before there can be any discussion or negotiation, the perpetrator must take responsibility for the abuse. The first intervention step is for everyone to acknowledge that the abuse is happening - the professionals, the parents and the adolescents. The goal of any discussion with parents and adolescents is not to create equality but to establish reasonable parental authority. The abuse can't be mediated.
( Jacqueline Barkley)

Working Together

When parents work together as a couple, they feel much stronger. The situation is made far worse when couples side with the child against each other.

Her father and her would sit and whisper, I was the ogre, I was the one keeping her from doing what she wanted. They'd plan how they were going to get me to let her do things.
(A parent)

Uniting with other people who are in the child's life can give parents strength and more control. Parents have the right to stay in close communication with people who are a part of their child's life, such as parents of the child's friends, teachers, principals and guidance counsellors, doctors, church leaders, police and probation officers. This is not "interfering."

Shifting the Focus

Once parents recognize they are being abused, they can begin to emotionally separate from their children and shift the focus to their own needs.

It stopped for me when I recognized that this was abuse and I didn't have to put up with it. When I got unhooked enough to say, "You can't do that to me." You have to know about boundaries and be very clear with your kids about what they can do to you.
(A parent)

Keeping Informed About Parent Abuse and Related Issues

Understanding what is happening can help parents make better informed decisions. Parents may find it useful to familiarize themselves with resources available in their community, legal issues, mental health and drug abuse issues, and other topics related to parent abuse. Reading about parent abuse also helps some parents:

I found it (Parent Abuse leaflet) quite amazing to read because it was describing accurately what was happening to me and I hadn't seen that described anywhere else.
(A parent)

Trying to deal with the problem of abuse may not be possible until the drug or alcohol abuse is addressed. Parents can educate themselves about drugs and the consequences of teens' use of drugs. Jerome Price suggests that parents and therapists may find it useful to contact a local adolescent drug treatment centre prior to dealing with a teen's problem themselves.

Many parents in abusive situations feel they are going crazy. Being able to read about parent abuse helps them to recognize that what they are experiencing is abuse and enables them to take action.

It helps parents realize they are being abused, that they are normal and aren't going crazy and they can look for help. For a while I thought I was going nuts.
(A parent)

Setting Limits

Setting limits can be a difficult and complex process, often requiring different forms of interventions for different children. To begin dealing with the long-term issues associated with the abuse, parents need time and space to:

  • begin taking control of their life

  • assert their right for safety and the safety of their other children

  • start to heal the relationship with the abusive child if possible

For some families, removal of the teenager from the home, sometimes for a few hours or a week, will help the situation. Removal of the teen is a means of escaping the immediate threat of abuse and can also give parents the time and space to begin dealing with the long-term issues associated with the abuse. Unfortunately, for some parents removal of the teen on a more permanent basis is the only solution for ending the abuse.

Respite care in the form of short-term supervision of the teen by someone other than the parent could be beneficial in that it gives parents a break from the stress of the situation. However, some parents can focus their energy only on removing the child from the home and not on finding alternative living arrangements. Either way, when parents make the decision to remove their abusive child from the home, they need support.

Involving the Police

It may be necessary to involve the police to maintain safety in the home. It is important that parents are clear about what the criminal justice system can and cannot do so they have realistic expectations of the system and can access available supports.

The criminal justice system functions with clear parameters. It is mandated to respond to criminal behaviour, and while some forms of parent abuse are at times difficult for parents to live with, they do not necessarily constitute an offence under the Criminal Code. Physical abuse, threats, theft and damage to property are criminal offences. However, few police forces have protocols for dealing with parent abuse.

Police involvement sometimes encourages children to understand the severity of their behaviour:

The officer struck a perfect balance between being disapproving and strict and being compassionate, but not overly so. He confronted her in front of me for over an hour, and outlined the consequences of what would happen if this didn't stop, that she was violating my essential rights as a human being. They told her she would be taken to the police station and charged with assault or with disrupting the peace, and that she could be placed in a group home. Although that didn't end the abuse, it stopped the escalation. I would move to the phone and she'd calm down a bit. I think that's what kept her from actually hitting me. The third time they were there in 10 minutes. I felt that I was in danger. The most helpful thing they did was take it seriously. They presented it as a very serious thing and she took it seriously.
(A parent)

The job of the police is to deal with the immediate emergency, and they should not be expected to provide long-term solutions. However, calling the police may be part of an overall plan developed by the parents, the police and other service providers, to end the abuse.

Immediately, you can get help from the police. One officer made it clear to me that although I could call if I was in danger, they can't keep showing up every day and simply calling the police was no solution. I needed to be addressing the roots of what was happening.
(A parent)

Many parents are afraid to call the police because they feel guilty when their children are charged with assault. They also feel that court orders to attend school or stay at home and follow the rules are seldom supervised or enforced, and that probation officers are overworked and cannot properly supervise the children under their care.

I had her charged. She got eight months' probation and community service, and she had certain restrictions and conditions like she had to go to school and she wasn't to hit me. She violated every condition of her probation and they did nothing. I told the probation officer she hit me. I got involved with the justice system only because I wanted her forced to go into therapy. I didn't want her charged. I wanted her in therapy. The police and the prosecutor said, "Charge her, it's the best way to get her into therapy." Here we are, six months later, and still no therapy. They lied to me.
(A parent)

Others are afraid to call the police because they have attempted to restrain their children and fear they may be charged with assault. Some teens erroneously believe they are protected from their parents' authority by law, and parents live with the threat of being charged with assault, abuse or neglect if they attempt to discipline their teen. Common controlling comments are "You can't touch me!" "You have to support me until I'm 18." "I'll call Children's Aid on you!" and "I'll call the police!" Jerome Price (1996) calls these threats "the hammer of the 90s." These youths were misinformed, but unfortunately their parents believed them:

She likes to say that we can't touch her - physically - and also seems to know that the justice system can't touch her. She'll say things like, "If I get caught they can't do anything with me. They can't prosecute you until you're 16."
(A parent)

What parents need to know is that they have the right - in fact, the responsibility - to control their children. Obviously, parents should not neglect or use violent means to control their children. When a child threatens to call the authorities, parents should be willing to call the child's bluff and say, "Do."

Some parents regret involving the criminal justice system because they found it even more difficult to live with the child after assault charges were laid. Others state that they felt less in control and more vulnerable when the police and the court system were involved. Parents of other racial origins or gay parents and lower income families may be afraid to seek help from agencies such as the police for fear the child will be subjected to racism, homophobia or some other form of discrimination.

Ultimate Goal: Regaining Control and Healing the Relationship

Regaining control begins with naming the problem and then taking the necessary steps, which usually involve talking to someone and accessing counselling, and sometimes the removal of the child from the home. Immediately after this, it is normal for the parent to experience a variety of emotions. Some parents experience relief, while others are angry or depressed, and feel a sense of failure and loss. It is important that they accept their feelings and be gentle with themselves. Some parents gain inner strength through exercise, meditation or support groups. This helps build their sense of self-worth and that in turn strengthens their ability to cope with the situation. Even little things like pouring their feelings into a journal can help parents become stronger.

Sometimes the child's attitude shows improvement, and, if the child has left the home, she or he may want to return. Decision making at this time should not be made out of the parents' feelings of guilt. It is important that the parents think through what they want so that they can retain their newly found control. They need to be very clear about what the rules and the consequences for breaking the rules are, and they need to rigidly enforce the consequences.

Parents may want to have the child sign a written list of rules such as this one:

I agree to do the following:

  • Attend and fully engage in school

  • Keep parents informed about where I am

  • Do chores (e.g. clean up my room).

In our house we will always treat each other with respect. This means no physical or verbal abuse. These things are forbidden in our house:

  • Name calling

  • Hitting, punching, slapping or kicking

  • Damaging other people's property

  • Making threats to hurt myself or anyone else

  • Stealing or borrowing things without permission

  • Playing mind games

  • Insisting others buy things they can't afford

Signed:___________________________ Date:________________

Adolescents are likely to make excuses for their abusive behaviour or make empty or dismissive responses. Parents should recognize these as nothing more than attempts to avoid responsibility. Parents should not accept these excuses and should carry out the established consequences for breaking the rules. Some common empty phrases teens use are:

  • Everybody does it.

  • It's not like you haven't done it before.

  • I'll never do it again.

  • It's all your fault.

  • I won't lie to you.

  • Can I go now? Are you finished?

  • It's my life. I can do what I want.

  • I'm sorry.

Parents should choose the consequences appropriate for each rule violation. The following are some possible consequences:

  • Take away the use of the car, phone, stereo, etc.

  • Contact the school daily to meet with teachers.

  • Take away child's allowance or spending money.

Parents should ensure that they have support in place to help them stay in control to carry through with enforcing rules and consequences.

Healing and relationship building can continue at the pace the parents are comfortable with. The ongoing healing includes working through the anger and coming to a place of acceptance.

Help for the Abusive Youth

To stop parent abuse, the teens themselves must recognize that their behaviour is abusive. Some teens find it useful to talk to an adult other than their parents, and others may find it helpful to talk to their peers. Many of the supports for parents can also be a source of help to the youth. These include:

  • counselling and support groups

  • family friend or relative

  • outreach workers at battered women's shelters.

I was in therapy for years, but I didn't really change until my friend said what I was doing was wrong.
(An adolescent)

Reading materials can also help teens to realize that their behaviours are abusive.

I sat down with my daughter and we read the entire booklet through together. It helped because we went through her behaviours using the categories and descriptions and she was able to label them. I would say, "You did this, what would you say that is?" and she would say, "That's financial abuse." Or whatever it was. Since then she has been able to identify her own behaviour as abusive, and after we went through the material she started asking if there were groups that would help her.
(A parent)

Final Note

The Limits of Publicly Funded Services

Many parents report having difficulty finding appropriate support and express frustration at what they perceive as severely limited resources.

I called everyone in the phone book that I thought could have helped. I exhausted every avenue I could think of exhausting. There's a considerable lack of resources for parents of children this age. They are very, very under-serviced.
(A parent)

Parents complain that the response time for assistance is far too long. When they finally reach out for help, parents are often desperate and in situations that require immediate attention. Limited, overburdened resources mean long waiting periods before help is available. In addition, agencies have specific criteria that exclude many families.

Even where these services are available, they are not always accessible. Sometimes, lack of transportation and child care is a barrier. Parents are not always able to leave the child unsupervised.

Parents also find that some of the assistance they are offered creates more problems for the family. For example, some teens receiving social assistance, in group homes or foster homes, have more freedom and financial support than their parents can provide. When these lifestyles are experienced by the teens as being more favourable than living with the rules and limitations at home, conflicts increase between the parents and teens and some adolescents begin to use the system to their advantage. 43

It was also confusing for the other children. She would flaunt the new clothes she bought with her Children's Aid allowance in front of them. It really bothered me. She was getting all these things I couldn't afford for my other kids because she could play the system.
(A parent)

Working with Institutions

Hints for dealing with institutions

Consider yourself the manager of your child's care. Don't depend on anyone else to do this for you.

I think we're going to have to be very watchful and assertive to get whatever help is available. It doesn't just come to you. A lot depends on what you reach out for. You have to be a discernible person to be able to access what's out there. You can fall through the cracks pretty easily.
(A parent)

Keep a record of your child's behaviours, moods and encounters with the legal and mental health system, and of your child's medications, dosages and clinical appointments. Note your own conversations with school officials, specialists and other involved parties and record names, dates and telephone numbers.

Keep in mind that professionals are working for you. Respect their position and expertise, but don't assume they always know best.

Pay attention to your inner voice and assert yourself when you think it is necessary. The final decision is always yours.

Do your best to ensure that your child does not fall between the cracks. It may mean making phone calls and personal visits; it may mean telling the workers that you won't take no for an answer.

Find yourself a friend who can be your support person. Feel free to bring this support pal when you see school teachers, psychiatrists, etc.

It helps to talk it through. Tell a friend or family member what you are experiencing in your dealings with institutions.

The above is adapted with kind permission of Mason, Paul and Randi Kreger. Stop Walking On Eggshells. Oakland, Calif.: New Harbinger Publications, 1998.

Community Awareness

Educating people to recognize and name abuse is essential to stopping parent abuse.

It's a very, very touchy subject. Recently a woman said, "Don't talk so foolish," when I suggested she was being abused by her son. They don't always recognize that it's not okay, they don't have to put up with it, so they can't stop it.
(A parent)

At the time parents are experiencing abuse, they may not have the time, energy or desire to organize others. When they are in crisis, community awareness is not their primary concern. After moving out of the crises, some parents may not wish to talk about their experiences publicly. However, parents may wish to join with other concerned people to promote community awareness. Some of the things parents can do to oppose parent abuse are:

  • Discuss the issue with friends and family.

  • Persuade a local organization (such as a church or community centre) to offer support groups.

  • Start a group for teens.

  • Distribute materials or offer to talk to groups and organizations in the community such as churches, parent resource centres and women's shelters.

  • Encourage schools to have children do projects on the topic and ask teachers to address the issue of parent abuse in the classroom.

Groups for young people, encouraging them to have fun in a group. That would be a better sense of community.
(A parent)

I used (the Parent Abuse material), incorporated it into the program I do in schools, and I used it with youth groups, for educating youth.
(A teacher)

Professionals can distribute materials such as this booklet.

I ordered it for a client in victim services who had gone to the police with a complaint against her daughter for physical assault. I liked that we were encouraged to photocopy it and distribute it to others. My colleagues were intrigued. This was fabulous for people in child welfare. I have been passing it on to clients as a front-line worker and with other people working in the same area.
(A counsellor)

Community action requires organization and hard work.

In our community they go so far and that's it. We try to get a youth group going, but it's so hard. We need a facilitator, an outreach worker to work with us and get it established so people who work and are dealing with the problem don't have to take it on. If the government doesn't think about these small little things it will be the worse for us all because this is our future, this is tomorrow.
(A parent)

Organize a One-Day Workshop

In most communities, the issue of parent abuse is rarely discussed in public. A one-day workshop could help to bring the issue out into the open. Parents or others who are concerned about the issue of parent abuse could encourage an existing organization or a group to help pull together a committee of people who will design and organize the workshop. Police officers, social workers, therapists, community health nurses and legal aid workers may be interested in getting together to talk about the topic. Often, when people begin to pool their experiences, they find that collectively they have a great deal of knowledge about the topic. Some questions that could be discussed at the workshop are:

What is parent abuse and who are the perpetrators and the victims?

  • Who is most at risk (mothers, fathers, single parents) and why?

  • Does abuse by boys and girls differ in form or frequency?

  • At what ages does the abuse start?

  • How prevalent is this problem?

  • What forms does the violence take?

  • What causes the abuse?

  • Is there a connection between parent abuse and other forms of abuse?

  • Has the teen witnessed violence in the family?

  • Is there a link between this form of violence and violence in the culture? How do families cope?

  • Where do parents and teens turn for help?

  • What kind of help do they receive?

  • What strategies have victimized parents found helpful?

  • What resources and tools do parents and counsellors need?

  • How can the abuse be prevented or lessened?

  • What responsibility is taken by professionals?

  • What is the attitude of professionals toward this issue?

  • Who is addressing the issue?

  • How can they better address this issue?

The following are sessions which worked successfully at a conference held in Halifax in 1996:

Morning Sessions

Welcome and Introductions

Panel Presentation:

A parent and two therapists gave 10-minute talks and answered questions from participants.

Small Group Discussion:

  • Is the abuse of parents by their teenage children an issue in our community?

  • Is there more violence toward parents now than in the past?

  • Why is this happening?

  • After the group discussions, brief reports were shared.

Afternoon Sessions

Panel Presentation:

Representatives from local counselling agencies, the shelter for battered women, and the police gave 10-minute talks and answered questions from participants.

Small Group Discussion:

  • Why don't people talk about this issue?

  • How can we make it a public issue?

  • A skit dramatizing a variety of forms of parent abuse and the effect on the parent was performed by a parents' group.


Invite participants to share one thing they will take away from the day.


Ambert, Anne-Marie. The Effect of Children on Parents. New York: Hayworth Press, 1992.

Ambert, Anne-Marie. Parents, Children, and Adolescents: Interactive Relationships and Development in Context. New York: Hayworth Press, 1997.

Barkley, Jacqueline. "Reclaiming our children: teachers as elders" in Daily Meaning: Counternarratives of Teachers' Work. Neilsen, Allan R. (editor). Halifax: Bendall Books, 1999. Barkley, Jacqueline. "The politics of parenting and the youth crisis" in Power and Resistance: Critical Thinking About Canadian Social Issues, Second Edition. Samuelson, Les and Wayne Anthony (editors). Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 1998.

Cottrell, Barbara and Mary Anne Finlayson. Parent Abuse: The Abuse of Parents by Their Teenage Children. Report and booklet. 1996.

Mason, Paul and Randi Kreger. Stop Walking On Eggshells. Oakland, Calif.: New Harbinger Publications, 1998.

Monk, Peter. "Adolescent-To-Parent Violence: A Qualitative Analysis of Emerging Themes." (Unpublished thesis: 1997.)

Price, Jerome. Power and Compassion: Working with Difficult Adolescents and Abused Parents. New York: Guilford Press, 1996.

  1. Cited in Shulman, Shmuel and Inge Seiffge-Krenge. Fathers and Adolescents: Developmental and Clinical Perspectives. London and New York: Routledge. 1997.

  2. "Canada's Alcohol & Other Drugs Survey, 1994," reported in the 1999 Statistical Report on the Health of Canadians prepared by the Federal, Provincial & Territorial Advsiory Committee on Population Health, Published by Health Canada, 1994.

  3. Health Behaviours in School Aged Children (HBSC) surveys. Conducted in Canada in 1989-90; 1993-94; and 1997-98. These surveys are administered every four years to a representative sample of youth (11, 13 & 15 years of age) in participating countries. In the 1998 survey, 28 countries participated. The report summarizes trends in the health of Canadian youth over three surveys between 1990 and 1998.

  4. The section "Parenting has been stolen from parents" is based on the work of Jacqueline Barkley and Anne-Marie Ambert

Here are what some of you had to say about the Mexican Boycott that is happening today.  As you read take this into consideration good Citizens of the United States, "THIS IS A MOVEMENT ORCHESTRATED BY PEOPLE WHO ENTERD THE UNITED STATES ILLEGALLY, AND THEN WANT TO SCREAM ABOUT THEIR RIGHTS".  WHAT RIGHTS? THEY DON'T BELONG HERE.
A lot of the readers who sent in their opinions are from the Southwest.    READ ON.........
Phoenix, Arizona
"Lets take a look at some of the many benfits that illeagal aliens have blessed our great country with: Street gangs, graffitti, drugs, skyrocketing healthcare, depriciation of property value, illiteracy.  The list could go on. What they actually have to offer (cheap labor) pales to what they have given our country to deal with.  I'll take expensive vegetables over expensive healthcare anyday.
Scottsdale, Arizona
LIke terroists, they are going to attack our economy, the one entity that makes our nation stand out from all the others; the backbone of our nation.  The country they came to, like locusts so they could reap the benefits, is now the focust of their boycott. You've seen it on TV; Marching on our American streets, waving their Mexican flags, boldly showing that they can be more racist than who they accuse, and yet the obvious is totally oblivious to them.
Fort Worth, Texas
Let all legal Americans boycott all Mexican food restauraunts , stores, business's and anything else pertaining to the Mexiacans for a day.
Carol in DFW


I try not to watch the news as much as possible; however, it is obvious why I have too. There are so many issues out there and on some of them it's just really hard to decide what's right or wrong; we come to a stalemate on our opinion; I know that I have many times on certain issues

Here are some of the issues that I'm not confused on.  I would like feedback from my readers to see if they agree, disagree or perhaps feel the same way.

Gas gouging in America.  Here is an issue I'm definately not confused about.  I really don't trust President Bush to do his best in this matter.  After all, he does own quite a few oil fields himself and lowering gas prices would not be in his best interest.  We have the resources yet we are being raped so to speak.

The Oil Companies, Chevron and Exxon have made $4 Billion to $8 Billion dollars, and yet none of us can really afford to fill up our tanks anymore. 

Bee County in Texas is BOYCOTTING Exxon/Mobile starting Monday. I urge my readers to do the same, take a stand for our rights as Americans, be heard, go to the leaders of your county, flood the Whitehouse with E-mail, make the politicians listen to the people they work for. If the Whitehouse is flooded with E-mail about gas prices then they will have no choice but to listen. 

Star Spangled Banner

It's just wrong no matter how you look at it.  If you immagrate to our country then you can't have your own version of our National Anthem. Go home is my advice to those who sing that song; it is not and nor will it ever be any part of our National Anthem.  Ruiz made a statement on MSNBC that the words were changed because it doesn't always mean the same to other people and he was trying to teach his people.

OK, none of that even made sense to me.  It would seem to me that you have to be taught our history to "understand" the words to the Star Spangled Banner.   The battles our country, the struggles we have endured; past and present. Our men and woman who gave their lives for our freedom  "THE BOMBS BURSING IN AIR GAVE PROOF THROUGH THE NIGHT THAT OUR FLAG WAS STILL THERE".  It is our heritage in our National Anthem. I am completely insulted.

You just can't walk into our country and be a Citizen, it doesn't work that way.  My Great Grandfather, Pietro Tassone, waited for his turn to come to this country.  He boarded a ship at age 17 and came to Ellis Island.  He became a citizen, and expected nothing more then what he worked for.  He lived in PA for awhile then went to California and opened a bakery and stayed there till he died at the age of 89. He worked hard all of his life, never went on Welfare and he was grateful for the opportunity to be in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.  It's an honor to become and be a Citizen of the United States, it is not something we owe to anyone. 

My family is all military, my father, Gerry Tassone was a Captain in the Marine Corp, his brothers were Army and Marines.  My sister, Retired TSgt Debra Tudich Air Force, her sons, Navy and Air Force,  My Uncle Joe fought in WWII, his son, my cousin Ernie fought with the Army in Viet Nam, my little cousin Michael Navy, my cousin Josh Army, and finally my only son Matthew is joining the Army. They fought and will fight for the United States, not Mexico or any other country. They defend us from any entity that is a threat to OUR country.

Freedom isn't free and it is sons and daughters of our country that die for this freedom, they are not taking bullets and getting killed so that you can demand entrance into this country.

So let's get it strait and be blunt.  Anybody who thinks that it is their privlage and right to enter our country at will is so full of of themselves. It is not your right to do this, it was not your place to replace the words of our National Anthem. Clearly, you do not know what it means to be an American and clearly that makes me believe that you don't belong here at all. 

I suffer from Systemic Lupus and wish more than anyone that they could find a cure or a medication that didn't have bad side effects.  This month I dedicate the front page to all people who suffer from SLE; my heart and compassion go out to you.  I know what you go through and how you're feeling during a flare up.  I know what it's like to be so weak you can't keep your eyes open; so tired you can't crawl out of bed, scared  because you never know what this flare up will do, angry because it intereferes with your life, frustrated because people think that you are a genuine whiner, and often times you feel like a whiner, disappointed when your health professionals don't listen to you, trying to keep it a secret so that people don't think that your an invalid or a risk. 
Below you will find common terminology used with and amoung SLE patients.  If you have just been recently diagnosed with SLE please educate yourself on the disease and learn what triggers your particular flares.  Learn about the research and medication used; Knowledge is Power.
If you are a family member, loved one or friend a person with Lupus please read on; learn what you can about this disease so that you can become more compassionate to the battle your family member, loved one or friend is fighting.
Very Sincerely,
Chrissy Tassone


  Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect various parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood, and kidneys. The body's immune system normally makes proteins called antibodies to protect the body against viruses, bacteria, and other foreign materials. These foreign materials are called antigens. In an autoimmune disorder such as lupus, the immune system loses its ability to tell the difference between foreign substances (antigens) and its own cells and tissues. The immune system then makes antibodies directed against "self." These antibodies, called "auto-antibodies," react with the "self" antigens to form immune complexes. The immune complexes build up in the tissues and can cause inflammation, injury to tissues, and pain.


There are three types of lupus: discoid, systemic, and drug-induced.

Discoid (cutaneous) lupus is always limited to the skin. It is identified by a rash that may appear on the face, neck, and scalp. Discoid lupus is diagnosed by examining a biopsy of the rash. In discoid lupus the biopsy will show abnormalities that are not found in skin without the rash. Discoid lupus does not generally involve the body's internal organs. Therefore, the ANA test may be negative in patients with discoid lupus. However, in a large number of patients with discoid lupus, the ANA test is positive, but at a low level or "titer."
In approximately 10 percent of patients, discoid lupus can evolve into the systemic form of the disease, which can affect almost any organ or system of the body. This cannot be predicted or prevented. Treatment of discoid lupus will not prevent its progression to the systemic form. Individuals who progress to the systemic form probably had systemic lupus at the outset, with the discoid rash as their main symptom.

Systemic lupus is usually more severe than discoid lupus, and can affect almost any organ or organ system of the body. For some people, only the skin and joints will be involved. In others, the joints, lungs, kidneys, blood, or other organs and/or tissues may be affected. Generally, no two people with systemic lupus will have identical symptoms. Systemic lupus may include periods in which few, if any, symptoms are evident ("remission") and other times when the disease becomes more active ("flare"). Most often when people mention "lupus," they are referring to the systemic form of the disease.

Drug-induced lupus occurs after the use of certain prescribed drugs. The symptoms of drug-induced lupus are similar to those of systemic lupus. The drugs most commonly connected with drug-induced lupus are hydralazine (used to treat high blood pressure or hypertension) and procainamide (used to treat irregular heart rhythms). Drug induced lupus is more common in men who are given these drugs more often. However, not everyone who takes these drugs will develop drug-induced lupus. Only about 4 percent of the people who take these drugs will develop the antibodies suggestive of lupus. Of those 4 percent, only an extremely small number will develop overt drug-induced lupus. The symptoms usually fade when the medications are discontinued.

For most people, lupus is a mild disease affecting only a few organs. For others, it may cause serious and even life-threatening problems. More than 16,000 Americans develop lupus each year. It is estimated that 500,000 to 1.5 million Americans have been diagnosed with lupus.


  The cause(s) of lupus is unknown, but there are environmental and genetic factors involved. While scientists believe there is a genetic predisposition to the disease, it is known that environmental factors also play a critical role in triggering lupus. Some of the environmental factors that may trigger the disease are: infections, antibiotics (especially those in the sulfa and penicillin groups), ultraviolet light, extreme stress, certain drugs, and hormones.

  Although lupus is known to occur within families, there is no known gene or genes which are thought to cause the illness. There are recent discoveries of a gene on chromosome 1 which is associated with lupus in certain families. Previously, genes on chromosome 6 called "immune response genes" were also associated with the disease. Only 10 percent of lupus patients will have a close relative (parent or sibling) who already has or may develop lupus. Statistics show that only about 5% of the children born to individuals with lupus will develop the illness.

  Lupus is often called a "woman's disease" despite the fact that many men are affected. Lupus can occur at any age, and in either sex, although it occurs 10-15 times more frequently among adult females than among adult males after puberty or after the emergence into sexual maturity. The symptoms of the disease are the same in men and women. People of African, American Indian, and Asian origin are thought to develop the disease more frequently than Caucasian women. The reasons for this ethnic selection are not clear.

  Hormonal factors may explain why lupus occurs more frequently in females than in males. The increase of disease symptoms before menstrual periods and/or during pregnancy support the belief that hormones, particularly estrogen, may somewhat regulate the way the disease progresses. However, the exact reason for the greater prevalence of lupus in women, and the cyclic increase in symptoms, is unknown.


  Although lupus can affect any part of the body, most people experience symptoms in only a few organs. Table 1 lists the most common symptoms of people with lupus.

Table 1
Table of Symptoms

  Achy joints (arthralgia)   95%
  Fever more than 100 degrees F (38 degrees C)   90%
  Arthritis (swollen joints)   90%
  Prolonged or extreme fatigue   81%
  Skin Rashes   74%
  Anemia   71%
  Kidney Involvement   50%
  Pain in the chest on deep breathing (pleurisy)   45%
  Butterfly-shaped rash across the cheeks and
  Sun or light sensitivity (photosensitivity)   30%
  Hair loss   27%
  Abnormal blood clotting problems   20%
  Raynaud's phenomenon (fingers turning white
  and/or blue in the cold)
  Seizures   15%
  Mouth or nose ulcers   12%


Because many lupus symptoms mimic other illnesses, are sometimes vague and may come and go, lupus can be difficult to diagnose. Diagnosis is usually made by a careful review of a person's entire medical history coupled with an analysis of the results obtained in routine laboratory tests and some specialized tests related to immune status. Currently, there is no single laboratory test that can determine whether a person has lupus or not. To assist the physician in the diagnosis of lupus, the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) in 1982 issued a list of 11 symptoms or signs that help distinguish lupus from other diseases (see Table 2). This has recently been revised. A person should have four or more of these symptoms to suspect lupus. The symptoms do not all have to occur at the same time.

Table 2
The Eleven Criteria Used for the Diagnosis of Lupus

Malar Rash   Rash over the cheeks
Discoid Rash   Red raised patches
Photosensitivity   Reaction to sunlight, resulting in the development of or increase in skin rash
Oral Ulcers   Ulcers in the nose or mouth, usually painless
Arthritis   Nonerosive arthritis involving two or more peripheral joints (arthritis in which the bones around the joints do not become destroyed)
Serositis   Pleuritis or pericarditis (inflammation of the lining of the lung or heart)
Renal Disorder   Excessive protein in the urine (greater than 0.5 gm/day or 3+ on test sticks) and/or cellular casts (abnormal elements the urine, derived from red and/or white cells and/or kidney tubule cells)
Seizures (convulsions) and/or psychosis in the absence of drugs or metabolic disturbances which are known to cause such effects
Hemolytic anemia or leukopenia (white blood count below 4,000 cells per cubic millimeter) or lymphopenia (less than 1,500 lymphocytes per cubic millimeter) or thrombocytopenia (less than 100,000 platelets per cubic millimeter). The leukopenia and lymphopenia must be detected on two or more occasions. The thrombocytopenia must be detected in the absence of drugs known to induce it.
Positive test for antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in the absence of drugs known to induce it.  
Positive anti-double stranded anti-DNA test, positive anti-Sm test, positive antiphospholipid antibody such as anticardiolipin, or false positive syphilis test (VDRL).


The first laboratory test ever devised was the LE (lupus Erythematosus) cell test. When the test is repeated many times, it is eventually positive in about 90 percent of the people with systemic lupus. Unfortunately, the LE cell test is not specific for systemic lupus (despite the official-sounding name) and is rarely used today. The test can also be positive in up to 20 percent of the people with rheumatoid arthritis, in some patients with other rheumatic conditions like Sjogren's syndrome or scleroderma, in patients with liver disease, and in persons taking certain drugs (such as procainamide, hydralazine, and others).

The immunofluorescent antinuclear antibody (ANA or FANA) test is more specific for lupus than the LE cell prep test. The ANA test is positive in virtually all people with systemic lupus. If the ANA test comes back negative it is considered a normal result, and it is very good evidence against lupus as an explanation for the symptoms. If the ANA test result comes back above the normal range the test is said to be positive. A positive ANA test by itself is not proof of lupus. The ANA is only a test and like a high cholesterol value, a positive ANA doesn't necessarily equate having a disease. The ANA test may also be positive in individuals:

  1. with other connective tissue diseases;
  2. without symptoms;
  3. being treated with certain drugs, including procainamide, hydralazine, isoniazid, and chlorpromazine;
  4. with conditions other than lupus, such as scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, infectious mononucleosis and other chronic infectious diseases such as lepromatous leprosy, subacute bacterial endocarditis, malaria, etc., and liver disease.

Because it can be positive in conditions other than lupus, the results of the ANA test have to be interpreted in light of the patient's medical history, as well as the current clinical signs and symptoms.

ANA test reports include a titer (or strength) of the antibody. The titer indicates how many times an individual's blood must be diluted to get a sample free of anti-nuclear antibodies. Thus, a titer of 1:640 shows a greater concentration of anti-nuclear antibodies than a titer of 1:320 or 1:160. A high titer of this antibody (greater than 1:1280) is usually associated with rheumatic disease but has nothing to do with how active a person's lupus is. Therefore, it is not necessary to repeat the ANA in someone who has lupus. Other blood tests (complement factors C3 and C4, anti-DNA, the complete blood count, and urinalysis) are the best laboratory index of lupus activity.

Complement is a blood protein that, with antibodies, destroys bacteria. It is an "amplifier" of immune function. If the total blood complement level is low, or the C3 or C4 complement values are low, and the person also has a positive ANA, some weight is added to the diagnosis of lupus. Low C3 and C4 complement levels in individuals with positive ANA test results may also be indicative of lupus kidney disease.

Tests of individual antigen antibody reactions have been developed which are very helpful in the diagnosis of SLE. These include the anti-DNA antibody test, the anti-Sm antibody test, the anti-RNP antibody test, the anti-Ro antibody test, and tests which measure serum complement levels. These tests can be further explained by your physician.

Detection of antibodies to phospholipid, such as the anticardiolipin assay or a positive lupus anticoagulant can be cause for concern especially if the patient has evidence of blood clots (thromboses). The most common manifestation of this is phlebitis or inflammation of the vessels in the calves of the legs. Presence of these antibodies in the absence of any abnormal clotting may require simple aspirin therapy to mildly thin the blood. However, evidence of abnormal blood clotting may require that the patient take a blood thinner like heparin and later warfarin to prevent blockage of small and large blood vessels. When blockage occurs in the lung or the brain it can be very serious.

Laboratory tests are most useful when one remembers the following information.

  • If an individual has signs and symptoms supporting the diagnosis of lupus (e.g., at least four of the American College of Rheumatology criteria), including a positive ANA, the diagnosis is confirmed and no further testing is necessary.
  • If a person has only two or three of the ACR criteria, including a positive ANA, then the ANA supports but does not confirm the diagnosis. In these cases, unless more specific tests are positive (e.g., anti-DNA, anti-Sm, anti-Ro) the diagnosis of lupus is uncertain until more clinical findings develop or other more specific blood tests, as cited above, become positive.

Many patients may present with vague symptoms and only a positive antiphospholipid (APL) antibody or a lupus anticoagulant. A person may only have positive antiphospholipid antibodies and be diagnosed with primary antiphospholipid syndrome instead of lupus. People with primary APL syndrome might still have problems with premature clotting of blood and require treatment.

Physicians will sometimes also perform skin biopsies of both the individual's rashes and his or her normal skin. These biopsies can help diagnose systemic lupus in about 75 percent of patients.

A kidney biopsy is sometimes required if urine or blood evaluations show evidence of kidney disease. Kidney abnormalities vary with each patient. A biopsy and special preparation of the biopsy sample is required to give the doctor an idea of the degree and type of kidney injury. Using the biopsy results the doctor can tailor therapy for each individual.

The interpretation of all these positive or negative tests, and their relationship to symptoms, is frequently difficult. A test may be positive one time and negative another time, reflecting the relative activity of the disease or other variables. When questions cannot be resolved, consult an expert in lupus.

When someone has many symptoms and signs of lupus and has positive tests for lupus, physicians have little problem making a correct diagnosis and initiating treatment. However, a more common problem occurs when an individual has vague, seemingly unrelated symptoms of achy joints, fever, fatigue, or pains. Some doctors may think the person is neurotic. Others may try different drugs in the hope of suppressing the symptoms. Fortunately, with growing awareness of lupus, an increasing number of physicians will consider the possibility of lupus in the diagnosis.

A patient can help the doctor by being open and honest. A healthy dialogue between the patient and doctor results in better medical care, not only for people with lupus, but for anyone seeking medical treatment.

To whom should a person go for a diagnosis of lupus? Most individuals usually seek the help of their family doctor first, and this is often sufficient. However, when unresolved questions arise or complications develop, another opinion from a specialist may be advisable. The choice of specialist depends on the problem. For example, you would see a nephrologist for a kidney problem or a dermatologist for a skin problem. Most often, a rheumatologist or clinical immunologist specializing in lupus is recommended. Referrals can be made through your family doctor, the local medical society, or the local Lupus Foundation of America chapter


  What triggers an attack of lupus in a susceptible person? Scientists have noted common features in many lupus patients. In some, exposure to the sun causes sudden development of a rash and then possibly other symptoms. In others an infection, perhaps a cold or a more serious infection, does not get better, and then complications arise. These complications may be the first signs of lupus. In still other cases, a drug taken for some illness produces the signaling symptoms. In some women, the first symptoms and signs develop during pregnancy. In others, they appear soon after delivery. Many people cannot remember or identify any specific factor. Obviously, many seemingly unrelated factors can trigger the onset of the disease.


  For the vast majority of people with lupus, effective treatment can minimize symptoms, reduce inflammation, and maintain normal bodily functions.

  Preventive measures can reduce the risk of flares. For photosensitive patients, avoidance of (excessive) sun exposure and/or the regular application of sun screens will usually prevent rashes. Regular exercise helps prevent muscle weakness and fatigue. Immunization protects against specific infections. Support groups, counseling, talking to family members, friends, and physicians can help alleviate the effects of stress. Needless to say, negative habits are hazardous to people with lupus. These include smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, too much or too little of prescribed medication, or postponing regular medical checkups.

  Treatment approaches are based on the specific needs and symptoms of each person. Because the characteristics and course of lupus may vary significantly among people, it is important to emphasize that a thorough medical evaluation and ongoing medical supervision are essential to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.

  Medications are often prescribed for people with lupus, depending on which organ(s) are involved, and the severity of involvement. Effective patient-physician discussions regarding the selection of medication, its possible side effects, and any changes in doses are vital. Commonly prescribed medications include:

  Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): These medications are prescribed for a variety of rheumatic diseases, including lupus. Examples of such compounds include acetylsalicylic acid (e.g., aspirin), ibuprofen (Motrin), naproxen (Naprosyn), indomethacin (Indocin), nabumetone (Relafen), tolmetin (Tolectin), and a large number of others. These drugs are usually recommended for muscle and joint pain, and arthritis. Aspirin and NSAIDs may cause stomach upsets for some people. This effect can be minimized by taking them with meals, milk, antacids, or prostaglandins such as misoprostil (Cytotec). Newer NSAIDs contain a prostaglandin in the same capsule (Arthrotec). The other NSAIDs work in the same way as aspirin, but may be more potent, and patients often require fewer pills per day to have the same effect as aspirin. Many NSAIDs are now available in "over the counter" forms. Patients should be cautious about taking too much aspirin or NSAID since too many of these can reduce the blood flow to the kidney and cause problems.

  Acetaminophen: Acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol) is a mild analgesic that can often be used for pain. It has the advantage of less stomach irritation than aspirin, but it is not nearly as effective at suppressing inflammation as aspirin.

  Corticosteroids: Corticosteroids (steroids) are hormones that have anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory properties. They are normally produced in small quantities by the adrenal gland. This hormone controls a variety of metabolic functions in the body. Synthetically produced corticosteroids are used to reduce inflammation and suppress activity of the immune system. The most commonly prescribed drug of this type is Prednisone.

  Because steroids have a variety of side effects, the dose has to be regulated to maximize the beneficial anti-immune/anti-inflammatory effects and minimize the negative side effects. Side effects occur more frequently when steroids are taken over long periods of time at high doses (for example, 60 milligrams of Prednisone taken daily for periods of more than one month). Such side effects include weight gain, a round face, acne, easy bruising, "thinning" of the bones (osteoporosis), high blood pressure, cataracts, onset of diabetes, increased risk of infection, stomach ulcers, hyperactivity, and an increase of appetite.

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  Antimalarials: Chloroquine (Aralen) or hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), commonly used in the treatment of malaria, may also be very useful in some individuals with lupus. They are most often prescribed for skin and joint symptoms of lupus. It may take months before these drugs demonstrate a beneficial effect. Side effects are rare, and consist of occasional diarrhea or rashes. Some antimalarial drugs, such as quinine and chloroquine, can affect the eyes. Therefore, it is important to see an eye doctor (ophthalmologist) regularly. The manufacturer suggests an eye exam before starting the drug and one exam every six months thereafter. However, your physician might suggest a yearly exam is sufficient.

  Immunomodulating Drugs: Azathioprine (Imuran) and cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) are in a group of agents known as cytotoxic or immunosuppressive drugs. These drugs act in a similar manner to the corticosteroid drugs in that they suppress inflammation and tend to suppress the immune system. The side effects of these drugs include anemia, low white blood cell count, and increased risk of infection. Their use may also predispose an individual to developing cancer later in life.

  Other agents like methotrexate and cyclosporin are used to control the symptoms of lupus. Both are immunomodulating drugs which have their own side effects. These drugs are still in the investigational phase for lupus. Some of these agents are used in conjunction with apheresis, a blood filtering treatment. Apheresis has been tried by itself in an effect to remove specific antibodies from the blood but the results have not been promising.

  Newer agents are directed toward specific cells of the immune system. These include agents which block the production of specific antibodies like those against DNA, or agents which act to suppress the manufacture of antibodies through other mechanisms. Examples of this are intravenous immunoglobulin injections which are given on a regular basis to increase platelets (particles important to coagulation).

  Anticoagulants: These drugs are employed to thin the blood, or in actuality to prevent blood from clotting rapidly. They range from aspirin at very low dose which prevents platelets from sticking, to heparin/coumadin which actually prevent the blood from clotting. The latter requires careful monitoring to insure that the patient is in the "therapeutic range" or that the blood is not excessively "thin". Generally, such therapy is life-long in people with lupus and follows an actual episode of clotting (embolus or thromboses).

  People with lupus should learn to recognize early symptoms of disease activity. In that way they can help the physician know when a change in therapy is needed. Regular monitoring of the disease by laboratory tests can be valuable because noticeable symptoms may occur only after the disease has significantly flared. Changes in blood test results may indicate the disease is becoming active even before the patient develops symptoms of a flare. Generally, it seems that the earlier such flares are detected, the more easily they can be controlled. Also, early treatment may decrease the chance of permanent tissue or organ damage and reduce the time one must remain on high doses of drugs.


  Although much is still not known about the nutritional factors in many kinds of disease, no one questions the necessity of a well-balanced diet. Fad diets, advocating an excess or an exclusion of certain types of foods, are much more likely to be detrimental than beneficial in any disease, including lupus. Scientists have shown that both antibodies and other cells of the immune system may be adversely affected by nutritional deficiencies or imbalances. Thus, significant deviations from a balanced diet may have profound effects on a network as complex as the immune system.

  There have been suggestions about various foods and the treatment of lupus. One example is fish oil. However, these diets have been used only in animals with limited success and should not become the mainstay of a person's diet.


  A question of concern to many families is whether or not a young woman with lupus should risk becoming pregnant. The current general view is that there is no absolute reason why a woman with lupus should not get pregnant, unless she has moderate to severe organ involvement (i.e., central nervous system, kidney, or heart and lungs) which would place her (the mother) at risk. However, there is some increased risk of disease activity during or immediately after (3 to 4 weeks) pregnancy. If a person is monitored carefully, the danger can be minimized. A pregnant woman with lupus should be closely followed by both her obstetrician and her "lupus doctor."

 As mentioned earlier in the brochure, a condition called the antiphospholipid syndrome can be secondary to lupus and may complicate pregnancy. Antibodies against specific auto antigens commonly present on coagulation factors can cause blood to clot faster than normal or in some cases, not at all. Antiphospholipid antibodies can be found in many patients with lupus and pose a particular risk to pregnant lupus patients since their presence is often associated with miscarriages.


The idea that lupus is generally a fatal disease is one of the gravest misconceptions about this illness. In fact, the prognosis of lupus is much better today than ever before.

It is true that medical science has not yet developed a method for curing lupus and some people do die from the disease. However, people with non-organ threatening disease can look forward to a normal lifespan if they

  • follow the instructions of their physician,
  • take their medication(s) as prescribed, and
  • know when to seek help for unexpected side effects of a medication or a new manifestation of their lupus.

Although some people with lupus have severe recurrent attacks and are frequently hospitalized, most people with lupus rarely require hospitalization. There are many lupus patients who never have to be hospitalized, especially if they are careful and follow their physician's instructions.

New research brings unexpected findings each year. The progress made in treatment and diagnosis during the last decade has been greater than that made over the past 100 years. It is therefore a sensible idea to maintain control of a disease that tomorrow may be curable.

The Lupus Foundation of America

the Lupus Foundation of America (LFA) is the nation's leading non-profit voluntary health organization dedicated to finding the causes and cure for lupus. Our mission is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of lupus, support individuals and families affected by the disease, increase awareness of lupus among health professionals and the public, and find the causes and cure. Research, education, and patient services are at the heart of LFA's programs.

The Lupus Foundation of America is the only nationwide organization exclusively serving individuals, families and friends affected by lupus. The LFA has local chapters and support groups throughout the United States, as well as international affiliates around the world. Contact the LFA or the chapter that serves your area to find out how you can become involved in our mission.

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"An atheist who sued because he did not want his young daughter exposed to the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance has filed another lawsuit -- this time with other parents."

Quite honestly, a better Christian person then myself will say everyone has the right to believe as he/she wishes just have that same respect for others.

However, I am so sick of the Michael Newdow's of the world. I am sick of them infringing on my right to say prayer or mention the word "God" in public school. Just as they have rights, so does the rest of the world.   I am sick of being afraid I'm going to offend someone.  In fact, I am one of the few who have brought up God's name in my child's school in his classroom because it IS MY RIGHT TO BELIEVE AS I WISH, TO SHOUT GOD'S NAME AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS IF THAT IS WHAT I WANT.  I don't have to hide what I believe just because it offends someone else.  Obviously, they have no problem offending me by trying to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer out of school. One good turn deserves another.  I

It's time that all Christians stand up and tell these people that they have offended us.

What these people don't realize is that the very Constitution that allows them to speak as they believe was built on the foundation of the Bilbe.  You find the Bible everywhere in the Supreme Court and it's even in the Constitution "God given right" HELOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

The very basis of our society is built on the Constituion which in turn is built on the Bible and I quote:

Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804) was a cosigner and "ratifier" of the U.S. Constitution and the first Secretary of the Treasury. 

"For my own part, I sincerely esteem it a system which without the finger of God, never could have been suggested and agreed upon by such a diversity of interests." - "One Nation Under God," by Christine F. Hart, 1787.

I believe in one God, the Father, eternally existing, who is a Spirit, a personal Being of supreme intelligence, knowledge, love, justice, power and authority. He, through Jesus Christ, is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. He is the Source of life and the One for whom human life exists. I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who is the Word and has eternally existed. I believe that He is the Messiah, the Christ, the divine Son of the living God, conceived of the Holy Spirit, born in the human flesh of the virgin Mary. I believe that it is by Him that God created all things and that without Him was not anything made that was made. I believe in the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit of God and of Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the power of God and the Spirit of life eternal.

I believe that Scripture, both the Old and the New Testament, is God's revelation, and His complete, expressed will to humanity. Scripture is inspired in thought and word, infallible in the original writings, is the supreme and final authority in faith and in life, and is the foundation of all truth. 

I  believe that Satan is a spirit being who is the adversary of God and the children of God. Satan has been given dominion over the world for a specific period of time. Satan has deceived humanity into rejecting God and His law. Satan has ruled by deception with the aid of a host of demons who are rebellious angels, spirit beings, who followed Satan in his rebellion.

I believe that humanity was created in the image of God with the potential to become children of God, partakers of the divine nature. God formed humanity of flesh, which is material substance. Human beings live by the breath of life, are mortal, subject to corruption and decay, without eternal life, except as the gift of God under God's terms and conditions as expressed in the Bible. I believe that God placed before Adam and Eve the choice of eternal life through obedience to God, or death through sin. Adam and Eve yielded to temptation and disobeyed God. As a result, sin entered the world, and through sin, death. Death now reigns over all humanity because all have sinned.

 I believe that sin is the transgression of the law. The law is spiritual, perfect, holy, just and good. The law defines God's love and is based upon the two great principles of love toward God and love toward neighbor, and is immutable and binding. The Ten Commandments are the ten points of God's law of love. I believe that breaking any one point of the law brings upon a person the penalty of sin. We believe that this fundamental spiritual law reveals the only way to true life and the only possible way of happiness, peace and joy. All unhappiness, misery, anguish and woe have come from transgressing God's law.

I believe that Jesus Christ was hung on the cross and died for our sins.  That our sins were forgiven at that very moment of his death.  I believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only true Son of God.  I believe that Jesus Christ is my Savior.

Repeat police visits to cost owners

SANDUSKY -- A new city nuisance law will allow Sandusky police to charge property owners for going to homes or businesses where offenses occur repeatedly, according to action at Monday's City Commission meeting.

The commissioners voted 6-1 to enact a ''user charge for excessive consumption of public services,'' according to the ordinance.
The new rule allows the city to charge the cost of police response to the same location for repeat calls of ''nuisance'' offenses, according to the ordinance. The nuisance offenses involve littering, animals, alcohol, sex offenses, theft, handguns, noise, fireworks and other activities, according to the ordinance.

''The whole gist of this is a problematic property in a neighborhood that makes it uncomfortable to live in that neighborhood,'' said Sandusky police Chief Bob Runner.

The police chief may determine a nuisance condition exists if a business has four separate calls within 30 days or a residence has two calls within 30 days, according to the ordinance.

The Police Department will notify the property owner, who then gets 30 days to fix the problem, according to the ordinance. If the Police Department gets another nuisance call at the same location within the following year, the police can charge the owner for the cost of responding.

The city won't charge property owners who had no knowledge of the nuisance activities or took prompt actions to nullify them, according to the ordinance. Property owners also can appeal a charge to the city manager.

The legislation comes in response to complaints to city commissioners and the housing department about activities in the city, said Ex-Officio Mayor Mike Kresser. Every resident has the right to sit and enjoy their yard without problems, he said.

''This gives us another tool to help these people live a quality of life they are entitled to, no matter where they live in the city of Sandusky,'' Kresser said.

The new rule also may help neighbors bring problems to the attention of absentee landlords who own property in Sandusky, Commissioner Suanne Brown said.

''This will help clean up the city,'' she said.

However, Commissioner Dannie Edmon, who voted against the legislation, said he felt ''uncomfortable'' trying to hold people accountable for the actions of others.

''There's a number of things on here that a property owner would have no control over,'' Edmon said about the new ordinance.


By Christina Tucker

Let's examine this new ordinance for a moment. What they are really saying is that from now on if you call 911 more then once in a month Sandusky will consider you to be a nuisance?  So ladies, if you're ex doesn't leave you alone and he's a dangerous man, and you have called the police before on him are you going to think twice about calling if he's outside threatening to break down your door?

I thought the police had this ability to perform an action called "ARREST"?    Common sense says that "underprivalaged" neighborhoods are going to be the neighborhoods that are hit hardest, which in turn means the poorer class of Sandusky are going to be hit with fines. So, if they're in trouble they have to think twice about calling the police because, they have to pay the police for what they currently get paid to do, "protect the public".

This article amused me so much that I sent it on to the L.A. Times and the Phoenix Gazette.  Imagine the "REVENUE" big cities like L.A., Phoenix and New York City could bring in if they charged people for "nuisance" calls. 

"The new rule allows the city to charge the cost of police response to the same location for repeat calls of ''nuisance'' offenses, according to the ordinance. The nuisance offenses involve littering, animals, alcohol, sex offenses, theft, handguns, noise, fireworks and other activities, according to the ordinance."

The above just about covers everything.  As long as noone is raped, robbed, stabbed, held at gunpoint, and/or any other illegal activitivity I guess you'll be safe in calling the Police.

Sandusky will end up getting sued over this if anyone gets wise and calls the Amercian Civil Liberties Union, and/or any other agency that protects the rights of the U.S. Citizens.


I can't help myself I have to say it.  In the recent past I've thought to myself, "why are we still in Iraq? Why do we have to pay the price for Iraq"?  WELL............................................... I stumbled across a website that I urge each and every true American to visit. 

Watching the Twin Towers fall disturbs me because of all the innocent people who parished, some in a blink of an eye their lives were snuffed out, and some knew they weren't making it out alive.

It disturbs me because my Country was attacked that day, my countries Pentagon was attacked and they tried to destroy my Government by attacking the White House.

It disturbs me because people who are "professionals" think we shouldn't have to view our Towers falling to the ground.  It disturbs me that anyone out there wouldn't back our President. 

Let me disturb you for a moment: I say bring them all to their knees then think about rebuilding. Look what we did to Japan and Germany.  We took it then we freed them then we rebuilt them.   We eliminated the enemy.  

I don't get people, threat is nothing new to the USA.  I read a speech by Franklin D. Roosevelt and I've included excerpts from it at the end of this article.   I will only say this, "The best leaders of our time did not bow down to anyone who threatened the United States, threats included dictator's and monsters overseas, even back then.  If they were a threat to our way of life, well history tells that story" 


delivered 6 January, 1941

Franklin D. Roosevelt: The Four Freedoms


"Let us say to the democracies: "We Americans are vitally concerned in your defense of freedom.  We are putting forth our energies, our resources, and our organizing powers to give you the strength to regain and maintain a free world.  We shall send you in ever-increasing numbers, ships, planes, tanks, guns.  This is our purpose and our pledge."

In fulfillment of this purpose we will not be intimidated by the threats of dictators that they will regard as a breach of international law or as an act of war our aid to the democracies which dare to resist their aggression.  Such aid is not an act of war, even if a dictator should unilaterally proclaim it so to be.

And when the dictators—if the dictators--are ready to make war upon us, they will not wait for an act of war on our part."


"A free nation has the right to expect full cooperation from all groups.  A free nation has the right to look to the leaders of business, of labor and of agriculture to take the lead in stimulating effort, not among other groups but within their own groups.

The best way of dealing with the few slackers or trouble-makers in our midst is, first, to shame them by patriotic example, and if that fails, to use the sovereignty of government to save government."


The basic things expected by our people of their political and economic systems are simple.  They are:

Equality of opportunity for youth and for others.

Jobs for those who can work.

Security for those who need it.

The ending of special privilege for the few.

The preservation of civil liberties for all.

The enjoyment of the fruits of scientific progress in a wider and constantly rising standard of living.

These are the simple, the basic things that must never be lost sight of in the turmoil and unbelievable complexity of our modern world.  The inner and abiding straight of our economic and political systems is dependent upon the degree to which they fulfill these expectations.

Many subjects connected with our social economy call for immediate improvement.  As examples:

We should bring more citizens under the coverage of old-age pensions and unemployment insurance.

We should widen the opportunities for adequate medical care.

We should plan a better system by which persons deserving or needing gainful employment may obtain it.

I have called for personal sacrifice, and I am assured of the willingness of almost all Americans to respond to that call.  A part of the sacrifice means the payment of more money in taxes.  In my budget message I will recommend that a greater portion of this great defense program be paid for from taxation than we are paying for today.  No person should try, or be allowed to get rich out of the program, and the principle of tax payments in accordance with ability to pay should be constantly before our eyes to guide our legislation.

If the Congress maintains these principles the voters, putting patriotism ahead pocketbooks, will give you their applause.

In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.

The first is freedom of speech and expression--everywhere in the world.

The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way everywhere in the world.

The third is freedom from want, which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants--everywhere in the world.

The fourth is freedom from fear, which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor -- anywhere in the world.

That is no vision of a distant millennium.  It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our own time and generation.  That kind of world is the very antithesis of the so-called “new order” of tyranny which the dictators seek to create with the crash of a bomb.

To that new order we oppose the greater conception -- the moral order.  A good society is able to face schemes of world domination and foreign revolutions alike without fear.

Since the beginning of our American history we have been engaged in change, in a perpetual, peaceful revolution, a revolution which goes on steadily, quietly adjusting itself to changing conditions without the concentration camp or the quicklime in the ditch.  The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized society.

This nation has placed its destiny in the hands, heads and hearts of its millions of free men and women, and its faith in freedom under the guidance of God.  Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere.  Our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights and keep them.  Our strength is our unity of purpose.

To that high concept there can be no end save victory.


These problems in our society didn't just happen during President Bush's administration.  These have been on-going problems since the birth of our nation. 

War, poverty, underprivileged, threats against our nation, dictators from other nations, famine.  Now we move up the time table and the list hasn't really changed, however, we've added Deficit, Social Security issues, lack of appropriate medical coverage for the poor, (*underprivileged*?), famine, whole herds of cattle being wiped out by disease, humans being wiped out by disease, yesteryear it was the Black Plague and today it's AIDS and a thousand other kinds of cancer.

People need to look at the reality.  It's very easy to point fingers and blame, after all, that is human nature.  If we were going to do so, much as I loved President Clinton, it was his administration that should have put the "breaks" on Bin Laden and Sadam.

Rape of the American Public
Every time I go to the gas pump I am reminded that the government of the United States is raping the American public.  They are allowing OPEC to rape the citizens.  Our government has 650 million gallons of oil in reserve and all they would have to release to give us some relief is 30 million gallons  and President Bush won't allow it.
President Bush won't sign the paperwork to allow the senate to investigate OPEC.  President Bush won't do a lot of things he is suppose to do.    He is so interested in rebuilding Iraq that he has forgot to take care of the people in his own country.  Maybe President Bush never intended on taking care if his own people.  Perhaps his intentions were to bring down Hussein and his government for the attempted assassination of his father.  Maybe he had another agenda.
President Bush needs to be told that his efforts in Iraq have exhausted the American Public.  I  personally don't want to be the one to fund the war everytime I have to fill up my gas tank and reach into my wallet.
Nothing will be done about the gas prices, and the rape of the American public will be allowed to continue until someones pockets are lined good and deep and it won't be yours or mine. 




Located at 917 N. Leavitt Rd Amherst Ohio   440-984-2583

When you first walk in the doors you enter a warm and friendly atmosphere.  The aroma of food swirls through the air and is a treat to your senses.  People you don't know say "hello" to you and  the Patrons are laughing, smiling and obviously having a wonderful time and you notice how very clean it is.

Your waitress seats you and hands you the menu and immediately brings you your beverage.  The menu my friends is wonderful.  If my memory serves me there are at least five rather large pages of food to choose from.  For me, this was hard because everything looked so good.

Finally, we made up our minds and ordered a bacon cheeseburger with deep fried mashed potatoes, which by the way the deep fried mashed potatoes are out of this world, and chicken fried steak with deep fried mashed potatoes.  This came with soup, salad and a dinner roll.  The chicken dumpling soup was delicious and full of flavor and the salad was full of large fresh mushrooms, fresh cucumbers, fresh tomatoes and the salad itself was fresh and crispy.

When our main dinner arrived folks I thought my eyes were going to fall out of my head.  Normally, when you go to a restauraunt and order your favorite meal you expect to walk away saying, "I wish they gave bigger portions".  NOT THE CASE at BLUE SKY.  Bring your doggy bag.  My chicken fried steak took up most of my plate, with a hearty helping of deep fried mashed potatoes and a hearty helping of stuffing.  The stuffing was filled with vegetables and so nicely flavored.  The bacon cheeseburger was smothered with bacon, cheese, tomatoes, and onions.  I asked my husband if he was full when the meal was finished and he said, "I was full 10 minutes ago Chrissy.  This bacon cheeseburger was stuffed with everything".  Not to mention folks that the actual hamburger itself was huge.

After speaking with Mike, one of  the owners, we found out that BLUE SKY  cooks their turkey and Amish roast beef daily.  It is always fresh.  I took a tour of their dessert display case.  The eclairs were as long as my forearm and easily as wide.  The cakes looked like they had just come out of the oven that day.  We were told that people come from miles away just for the desserts and I can honestly see why.  Just looking at the food and desserts is a treat for the eyes.  After eating such a large meal it might be hard to eat your dessert, if you are so full that you can't take one more bite I would suggest taking the dessert to go

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

No Words

Our heartfelt sorrow and sympathy go out to Officer Brown, his Family and Friends.

How do you tell a family how sorry your are for their loss? Someone lost a son, a child lost a father, a police force lost a fellow officer and friend and someone lost a partner.

There is really no way to put that kind of loss into words and no way to stop the heartbreak. No words.... only time.

I did not know him as a person, but as an Officer of the Law he was kind, listened, was not judgmental and he was reassuring. That kind of Officer could have only been a good person.

What we so often forget as citizens is that these men and woman go out on the street everyday, and everyday they put their lives in danger. We forget to often that if they have to choose between saving our life and their life, they would choose to save our life.

The community of Lorain must do nothing less then honor and pay tribute to this mans life and remember how day-after-day he, along with his fellow officers, would have gladly given his life to save yours.

This community Officer Brown will miss you.

Staff of Lorain City Page News.

The Murder of Andrea Yates
By:Christina Tassone
How sad that her husband missed the signs of her depression.  Had he listened to her, and sought proper medical treatment perhaps this tragedy would have never happened. 
Unfortunately, to many woman around the world suffer with this disorder and it goes untreated until a great tragedy transpires.
Yes, my sympathy is with Andrea and her children; my anger is with her husband for ignoring the obvious, or rather ex-husband, the great religious man himself who couldn't wait to get divorced from her after her verdict came in.  He was and most likely still is a hypocrite.
Can you imagine being that sad and instead of your husband supporting you and taking you to seek psychatric help, he takes you to his minister, not saying that's a bad thing, but it was obvious to anyone that she needed help.  It makes me wonder what his true motives were. I wonder if she told him how she was feeling or what she was thinking.............
Then to go to trial and a supposed professional lies.
Let's recap that:
"A forensic psychiatrist gave false testimony when he said an episode of television's "Law & Order" aired shortly before the slayings portrayed a woman with postpartum depression drowning her children; no such episode was ever aired"

Fiction can be fun?

  1. These are the warning signs Rusty Yates had available to him, as reported in The New York Times:
  2. his wife's suicide attempt in June, 1999, about 6 months after the birth of her fourth child
  3. diagnosis: post-partum psychosis and depression
  4. signs of stress from having to take care of her father, who had Alzheimer's disease
  5. less than a month later, the husband finds her holding a knife to her neck
  6. she describes hearing voices
  7. she says she had a vision about getting the knife
  8. she says she first had such a vision after the birth of her first child
  9. she had stopped taking her medicine
  10. the birth of the couple's fifth child, and also possibly the death of her father, cause additional episodes of depression and psychosis:
  11. between March and May she spends four stints at a psychiatric hospital
  • at one point her physician seeks involuntary commitment because she is catatonic and has scratched bald spots into her head

My Opinion:  (I ask you, "what more did he need to know that she was severly mentally ill? He was wreckless and responsible for the deaths of those children?  HE was sane and she was not, and unless Rusty Yates is a complete idiot, my opinion is that he knew this was going to transpire and he would be free)

Even without knowing anything further, this is not the type of person a rational person would leave five young children with.  But the husband's contribution to the tragedy is more causative than just ignoring warning signs:

  1. The husband, described as "controlling" by one doctor, allows her only "two hours of personal time a week" after the birth of their fourth child and his wife's two suicide attempts, he doesn't change the decision with his now obviously mentally ill wife to have as many babies as nature will allow
  2. Despite his wife's mental problems, the husband doesn't have them change their plans to home school their children the decisions to have more children and to home school the children come despite their psychologist's warning that these courses of action would not be in Mrs. Yates' best interest
  3. At one point during her hospitalizations, the husband puts pressure on her to leave the hospital, claiming that she was 90-95% normal, while she reports 70-75%
  4. He allows her to be discharged from the hospital for the last time prior to her murdering her children, even though records indicate that at the time she is still depressed and suicidal
  5. A rationally thinking man would not have additional children with a wife who is obviously incapable of caring for even the four they already have.  A rationally thinking man would not foist the home-schooling of five children on a woman like Andrea Yates.  A rationally thinking man would not leave five young children alone with her.
  6. The severely mentally incapacitated state of Andrea Yates meant that decision-making fell by default to her husband, and he made some egregiously bad ones.

So I ask, why wasn't Rusty Yates put on trial for the destruction of Andrea Yates? For the murder of her psyche and for the indirect murder of their children? 



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Bitch Session II
Before I begin I want to make it perfectly clear that I was born an American and I will die an American; I believe only in the American way.
Ok, I've just about had enough of President Bush and his lame excuses about our gas prices.  He states, " I'm trying".  In the great words of Doctor Evil, "Right...............".
The more that I think about everything the more suspicious I become of my own governement, which is very sad.
I keep referring back to Farenheit 911. This film raised so many questions in my mind, that normally I wouldn't have even asked myself had I not watched the movie.
I think that President Bush should live like the common people of our country; earn $8.00 an hour, have taxes taken out, and pay for his own gas.  Bush defenders will say, "he's the President he doesn't have to do that".  Bullshit, let him try to survive on the economy that he has created for us, let him fill up his own limosine to go do the things he has to do on $8.00 dollars an hour, and he should live like this until the gas prices come down.  I bet he'd jump through hoops to lower the gas prices if he was made to live like us. 
Our Constitution was written in such a way that it was suppose to prevent dictators from taking over our country and doing what Old England did.  That is what Fourth of July is about; our independence.  Bush has managed to violate every rule in the book, and then some and no one has tried to impeach him. What is wrong with this picture Citizens? He has violated our rights and Constitution and everybody turns a blind eye, like it's going to go away all by itself.
It is time, we as Americans, stand up and say "NO MORE MR. BUSH. Fix it or step down and go back to the farm".
We know you have ties to the Osama Bin Lauden and his family; that is no secret.  Answer me this: How did we go from "hunting Bin Lauden" to hunting Hussain"?  What happened?
In my opinion everything was an excuse to just hunt down Hussain, not that he didn't need taken out of power, but it was more important to get Bin Lauden, whose where-abouts I'm sure you know.  Did you think no one would figure this out? Did you think the people of my country were so stupid and gullable that they wouldn't see what was really going on?
This country does not belong to just one person, namely you.
This country belongs to my fellow brother and sisters and myself. You have managed to fuck it up, not to mention how you have shattered families.
Do us all a favor and get out of office before you completely destroy our country. You haven't done anything in Iraq, you don't even have a "real" exit plan; you  never did.  You turned Iraq into another Viet Nam.  My son wants to join the ARMY and if it's the last thing I do I will stop him from joining your ARMY, I don't want him serving under a Dictator, getting shot and killed because you are such a poor leader.
You forgot about us, you have made life so hard for your own that your own no longer wants you anywhere near the White House, or Dick Cheaney.  Doesn't that tell you how badly you have treated the very people who voted you in? Does it not tell you that you are no leader?  You have actually turned your back on us.  How does that make you feel to be the traitor?
Mr. President, it is the Nations opinion that you don't belong in the White House, your cabinet does not belong in the White House.  I'll be voting; FOR HILLARY


Christopher Reeves Foundation

A therapy funded by the  Christopher Reeves Foundation is helping people to walk again.

Chase Ford, a two year old boy who hit his head while jumping on the couch, is walking again.  The prognosis was that Chase would be in a wheel chair forever.  A month after his accident Dr. Harkema accepted Chase into the program.  A year after therapy began Chase walked on his own for the first time since the accident.

Dr. Harkema’s research found that the spinal cord, even one separated from the brain, has the great capacity to learn, remember and forget and to make decisions.  The therapy reteaches the spinal cord how to control motor functions, like walking through repetitive motions. 

Even though Christopher and Dana aren’t here with us anymore I believe that they are watching from heaven and cheering on the research that is changing the way doctors will look at spinal cord injuries forever.

Erie County Ohio and Eminent Domain

Have the Board of Commissioners in Erie County gone mad? Do they not realize the ONLY way in the United States that you can “TAKE” a person’s land by Eminent Domain is if they’re building a Utility Company on that land.  They really need to read the Constitution of the United States before they say that they don’t “mind taking a person’s land by Eminent Domain”.

Honestly, what else would you expect from a board made up of snotty nosed, self- serving, self- centered ignorant members?  What they want to do is Theft; plain and simple.  It’s a cheap shot at homeowners who don’t know the law.  The “Erie County Board wants to work with the homeowners” is what is quoted in the Lorain Morning Journal. Work with them to do what? Steal their homes?

Weilnaus was also quoted in the Lorain Morning Journal as saying, ''My personal opinion is, I feel very strongly about using the power of eminent domain to take private land for private purposes,''   

What planet did the Weilnaus fall off of?  Would he/she feel the same if it was their home that was going to be stolen out from underneath them? 

Citizens, this is how they will give you nothing for your home and take it.  They will tell you take it or leave it.  They will tell you that you have no say-so in the matter because they’re using Eminent Domain. 

NO, they are ABUSING Eminent Domain laws and YES, you do have a choice.  See, what a lot of people don’t know is that no matter what ordinance or bullshit little city, state or county law they pass the CONSTITUTION RULES over all of them; this I promise you.

The following is an article that made it to USA Today; ironically, it involves a city in Ohio and this case has been taken all the way to the Supreme Court.  This is worthwhile reading if you’re home is a target, and per the Supreme Court of Ohio, “Ohio is among the nation’s leading abusers of Eminent Domain.”

By the way, he won and they were not permitted to take his home by Eminent Domain.

Ohio community tests eminent domain

By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY

NORWOOD, Ohio — Joe Horney used a small inheritance from his grandparents to make a down payment on a $63,900 house in 1991.

He lived in the house for a while, fixed it up and rented it out for 10 years. He went on to manage construction of luxury homes and own other rental properties.

Then came Sept. 28, 2002. In a penthouse office overlooking Horney's rental property, a developer told local residents that he wanted to buy all the homes on the block, tear them down and build condos, retail shops and parking garages.

A PowerPoint presentation made clear what would happen to those who refused to sell: eminent domain. The city of Norwood would use its governmental power to transfer ownership of the property from uncooperative owners to the developer.

Horney, 36, got angry and left the meeting. "From that moment on, my mind was made up," he says. "They can't take my property just because they want to. That's not right."

Now, his case is before the Ohio Supreme Court in an important test of how far governments can go in using the power of eminent domain. It's the first such case to reach a state's high court since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision in June that the Constitution did not prohibit New London, Conn., from confiscating waterfront homes to promote economic development.

State and local governments traditionally have confiscated private land to build roads, schools and other public facilities. In return for what the Constitution calls "just compensation" to the property owners, governments in recent years have used eminent domain to turn over property to private developers to rebuild neighborhoods with shops, office buildings and new homes.

The neighborhoods are often economically depressed, but sometimes they are not. Cities have labeled farmland, waterfront homes and middle-class neighborhoods as "blighted" and subject to eminent domain.

Highway split town in two

Norwood is a town of 21,000 residents tucked in 3 square miles entirely surrounded by Cincinnati.

It has become a focus in the nationwide debate on eminent domain because the battle moved to state courts and legislatures following the Supreme Court ruling.

Mayor Tom Williams says the city would suffer if it didn't use its condemnation powers for the shopping and condo development.

"We're an old industrial town that has to reinvent itself to survive," says Williams, 66, a lifelong resident and former police chief.

Norwood lost a General Motors plant in 1987. It has been losing population and was fundamentally changed 35 years ago, when Interstate 75 was built through the middle of town. The neighborhood on one side of the highway started to deteriorate, becoming home to bars and auto repair shops, Williams says.

A developer built two successful upscale shopping centers — including stores such as Ann Taylor and Gap — and an office building in the struggling area in the 1990s. Now, he wants to expand onto neighboring blocks — and that's where Horney's property stands.

"We've never used eminent domain for this before," the mayor says. "We don't sit back and say, 'Hey, how can we get national publicity about what bad guys we are?' This is good for all of Norwood."

Three owners hold out

Sixty-five of 77 properties were sold to the developer before the city began using eminent domain. Only three of the dozen resistant property owners have refused to settle. "We followed the law," Williams says. "We've been upheld in the courts. We paid people more than their property would sell for on the open market."

A jury ruled that Horney's property — a three-story house built on one-tenth of an acre in 1925 — was worth $233,000. The money sits in a court bank account, not collecting interest, because Horney has refused to collect his compensation.

"This is a matter of principle. I wouldn't sell for $1 million," says Horney, who has spent $70,000 in legal fees and received free help provided by the Institute of Justice, a libertarian public-interest law firm that has led the fight against eminent domain.

A court injunction prevents the developer — who now holds the title to Horney's vacant property — from tearing down the house and another one nearby. The two-block area used to lie in a working-class neighborhood of single-family homes. Now it has been surrounded by a metal fence. The street is closed.

Other than the construction zone, the neighborhood doesn't appear blighted. A piano shop has opened in a newly renovated brick building. Two local lounges serve customers. There are occupied homes, a wine store, a hairdresser and other businesses.

"The developer wants my property for the same reason I do: It's in a good location," Horney says.

The Ohio Supreme Court is expected to rule this summer.




The World in Chaos

Muslims Kicked off of Airlines

I think Billy Joel needs to write a sequel to “We Didn’t  Start the Fire”.  Muslims kicked off of an airplane because another passenger heard them say “bad things about America”, God forbid, Iran, Syria and Iraq are getting together for peace talks……that’s a set up and I’m going to say, “I knew that was coming”.    These seem to be the two biggest issues of the week, as well they should be.

First, who hasn’t said something bad about our country including our own countryman?  People, it’s a FREE country or has that escaped some of you?  What? We’re not permitted to voice an opinion anymore and if we do, “we get kicked off a plane, humiliated and told we’re less American because of the color of our skin?”  Hum, kind of reminds me of the 60’s and 70’s, not that I’m old enough to have vivid memories but I do have some memories of those rough old days of our country.  It was ugly from my recollection.  People hating people because they were black or brown or yellow.  Never forget that our country is made up of ALL immigrants, not one of us are direct descendants of this country.   Do you know what I find endearing about immigrants that come to our country and establish citizenship?  They know more about the United States and her history then you and I put together.

There is cautious and there is paranoid; which one are you?

Iraq, Iran and Syria

Now that’s a unity we should actually be very afraid of.  This always happens to our country, we help to the point of our boys and girls giving up their lives in the ‘line of duty’, and then the country we’re helping turns on us and we’re the “evil ones”.  But I knew it would only be a matter of time before this took place.  Trust me, Iraq is going to turn on us.   Iran and Syria, two of the biggest terrorist countries in the world, wants to have “peace talks”.  What part of the twilight zone am I in? Peace talks from Iran and Syria is like Hussein admitting he was inhuman and wrong.  Yeah, that’s going to happen. Be prepared because this is only the beginning and this is a ploy.  Somehow, Iraq is going to get roped into falling for the bullshit that Iran and Syria are going to dish out and that’s going to be the end of it.

I hope that the President of Iraq is one step ahead and smarter then I’m giving him credit for.  The only thing Iran and Syria really want from him is control of his country.  If I was him, unless I was fishing for information, that is meeting that wouldn’t take place.

Last week Syria assassinates the Good Will Ambassador of Lebanon and this week they want to talk about Peace?  What am I missing? Is anyone really foolish and/or stupid enough to believe them?  Yes, Iran and Syria have a hidden agenda.  They’ve probably been meeting secretly for months planning how they were going to accomplish this. Honestly, I can’t pronounce half of the middle eastern names let alone remember them, but the leader of Iran made a comment that you’d expect from a teenager in high school to make when he said, “We don’t need the United States to have peace talks”.  How infantile is that?  Again, if there wasn’t a hidden agenda we would have been invited to these so-called peace talks.


North Korea

Ah, one of my favorite subjects.  I guess if the leader and military advisor were genuinely concerned about their people I could see where they would want to protect their country, and I’m sure if their concern were genuine they would have come to the United States and to the aid of Iraq at one point or another; but they didn’t.  They have one thing on their agenda and that is to gain nuclear power so that they can be a threat to the world once again.  Look at the state their country is in?  They could careless about their people.  The leaders in North Korea are single minded, self centered, self serving creatures of the world who only have destruction in mind.  They keep whining, “oh we have to protect our country from United States”.  Give me a break, anyone with half a brain can read right through their lies.  North Korea just pisses me off.  Those leaders choose to live in the conditions they are in, if they want their sanctions lifted then abide by International Law and get over themselves.  My feelings are the same for China, if they’re going to back up North Korea then hey, I’ll quit buying ANYTHING that says made in China, IN FACT, I’LL LEAD A HUGE CAMPAIGN FROM MY NEWS PAGE AGAINST BUYING ANYTHING FROM CHINA; they mean nothing to me accept for the cheap crap that ends up in the garbage or toy box and hey, I can live without it.


Nancy Grace

She’s not an officer of the law and should never have pushed that mother that far; Nancy was not in the court room practicing law and it wasn’t her place to grill the mother.  There’s journalism and jerryspringerism, she practiced jerryspringerism.  She’s guilty of pushing that mother over the edge and unless the police arrested the mom she had no right to assume she was guilty.  Oh My God, what happens if they find out the mother has nothing to do with that boy missing, how will she feel then? More so, how will that boy feel when he grows up?


Well this is my take on the world around me.  If you have a question or comment feel free to E-mail me and I’ll post your comment.

Till next week, Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless






The Constitution was written in a way to make sure that what happened with England never happened to us again. (I.E., taxes, verge of dictatorship, war overseas etc…..)  Our forefathers were insightful that men become greedy with power and they used great caution wording our Constitution. It is for the people.

Unfortunately, our government has found a way to change the Constitution to suit current administrations; Amendments.  What is the Constitution? Bush and other administrations have changed it so much to suit their needs that you have to wonder if we’ve already gone into dictatorship.  If you look at the Constitution you will find that it states we are not to fight for other countries; our soil is the only soil we are to defend; and unless there is absolute proof, we don’t go.  Osma is the only one we should have went after; but our current administration gave him plenty of time to escape, gave his family time to get out of the country, and switched their sights to Hussain.  Don’t get me wrong, Saddam needed to be taken out but not the Bush did it.

When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor my great country did not wait, ask permission to fight back; we went to war as war was declared on us.

When we were attacked on 9/11 my opinion is that our government knew who was behind it the second it happened.  Think about it; we know everything else that goes on in the world.  To deny not knowing is an admittance to an incompetent administration; they knew.

My son signed on to the Army; I am not happy although I am proud of him, but I don’t want my son shedding his blood and giving his life for the wrong reasons. And Mr. Bush’s war in Iraq is wrong. Maybe other countries are only protecting themselves against Bush, not so much the United States, but the current administration.


Our people need to take back our country, take back the Constitution and be heard.  WE THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOLPLE; there is nothing there that says “FOR THE GOVERNMENT”.

It just makes me so angry that I could go on and on, but I’ll end here.


Christina  Tassone



New Business in Town
We have a new business in town called The Break Up Doctor. The following is an excerpt from the upcoming website getting ready to launch this weekend.

Have you found yourself in the position of having to break up with that someone you’ve been with for years? Or have you been dating “Mr. or Ms. Right” for awhile and found out that you just can’t stand him/her? 

We’ve all been there and we’ve all been in the awkward position of having to tell that someone “it’s over”.

Now you don’t have to put yourself in that position.  We’ll do it for you; you can make a clean break free and clear and never have to look at the someone again.

Don’t put yourself through the needless stress of having to explain why  you don’t want to see that someone anymore,  why you changed your mind, why it’s not working.


The Fall of Lorain, Ohio


As I drive down the streets of Lorain, Ohio the only thing I see is poverty and gangs.  People fighting, the police running from call-to-call, houses falling down, children running the streets, in more ways than one, hookers walking the streets and no one trying to change it.

The mayor has mangaed to run the city down to the ground and now he wants to bail out and run for a seat in the Senate. Shame on you Mayor Foltin.  I have a hard time understanding how he could have been the City of Lorain's Auditor and not even known that our city was in such financial ruins? My point is he had to have known; I don't recall, in his first run for Mayor, the mention of a $2,000,000+ deficit for the City of Lorain.  Now he wants to run for a higher seat in office.

Please Citizens, don't vote this man into a higher seat.  Take a look around the good city of Lorain and see what kind of improvements have been made for the average person.  Sure, we have the boardwalk and and the homes that have just been built on the river, but ask yourself this question; Can you afford to live in one of those homes comfortably? Were those homes built for the rich or for the average person much like you and I.

Lorain, in the social circles outside of Lorain, is becoming known as the Ghetto.  Drive through and take an honest look at what Lorain's current administration has or has not done for the average Joe, and please do feel free to E-mail me and let me know how YOU feel. 

Again, if you don't want your name used with your opinion we will honor your privacy.


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