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Donations To Our Troops

As I gather Information I will pass it on to you.  These are just some items.  In the Lorain area we are dropping off donations at our local Marcs Stores.  Remember, not everyone has a family member to send them these items. I would also suggest a phone call to your local Recruiters to see what is and isn't permitted.  I will contact my sister, who is a recently retired  SSgt, and see if she can put a list together for the site(She was in Desert Storm) of items that are acceptable

Suggested Items
Batteries (AA, D cell) Dental floss
Soft toilet paper, like Charmin travel size MiniMag flashlite, xtra bulbs, tons of batteries
Tapes, CD's Mouthwash
Stationery sets Baby wipes
Travel games-chess, checkers etc. Q-tips
Twizzlers candy Waterless hand sanitizer
Crossword puzzles Tissue-heavy duty, eg. Puff
Books, novels Eye drops
Magazines Saline nasal spray
Local newspapers Deodorant
Playing cards Toilet paper
Writing paper,envelopes,pens! Hand lotion
Stamps Tylenol (individual packets)
Disposable cameras Black cushioned socks
Wash rags Cold water wash (Woolite)
Shoe insole cushions Candy (heat-resistant)
Black sunglasses - (plain, no brand names) Cereal in small boxes
Hairbrushes, combs Gum-no sticks
Nail clippers Ramen noodles
Sewing kits Hot chocolate
Chapstick Sweet tea mix
Cotton balls Powdered drink mixes, Gatorade
Sunscreen Foot powder
Disposable razors Soap, shampoo
Toothbrushes,toothpaste Instant oatmeal
Dry goods/food Granola bars
Ravioli, etc.-poptop cans Girl Scout cookies
Coffee creamer Instant coffee
Condiment packages Sunflower seed
Tuna kits Beef jerky
Baggies with Zip Lock Fly swatters
Powdered milk Battery powered fans w/xtra batteries
Feminine hygiene products, for female soldiers Canned fruit- poptop cans
Clif bars, Balance bars Bug spray- pkg it in a ziplock bag
Duct tape Throat drops, like Fruit Breezes
Vienna sausages- poptop cans Pipe cleaners
Pre-paid phone cards CD fanny packs
Board games  

Please support our troops.  Remember they have your back!

Who's got your back...

I am a small and precious child,
my dads been sent to fight...
The only place I'll see his face,
is in my dreams at night.
He will be gone too many days
For my young mind to keep track.
I may be sad, but I am proud.
My daddy's got your back.

I am a caring mother.
My son may go to war...
My mind is filled with worries
that I have never known before
Everyday I try to keep
my thoughts from turning black.
I may be scared, but I am proud.
My son has got your back.

I am a strong and loving wife,
with a husband soon to go.
There are times I'm terrified
in a way most never know.
I bite my lip, and force a smile
as I watch my husband pack...
My heart may break, but I am proud.
My husbands got your back...

I am a soldier, ( marine, sailor, airman, guardsman)... Serving Proudly,

standing tall.
I fight for freedom, yours and mine by answering this call.
I do my job while knowing, the thanks it sometimes lacks.
Say a prayer that I'll come home. It's me who's got your back.
I would urge all of you as good, God fearing, patriotic, AMERICAN
citizens to stand by all of the people that are already over there
preparing to give their lives for us and our way of life.

Let us not have another Vietnam and all the callous hatred that our
people had to come home to face.